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中国日报网 2021-03-30 11:17




The "Guideline on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Shenzhen" refines provisions related to sexual harassment in the Civil Code and clarifies how such offenses are defined, manifested and dealt with.


Sexual harassment refers to offense to a person by means of words, texts, images and physical acts,which is of a sexual nature, is against and unwelcomed by the subjective will of the victim and is an infringement of a person's personality rights and causes adverse psychological feelings or a hostile and unfriendly working or studying environment for the victim.


Verbal offense includes commenting on sensitive parts of a person's body, unwelcome sexual flirting and dirty jokes. Others include repeatedly sending letters, texts, emails or faxes with obscene content or pornographic pictures, patting, pinching, touching, kissing, hugging or caressing sensitive body parts, using work-related rewards as threat to demand sexual favors and exposing sexual organs.

指南的主要适用范围是机关、企业、学校(public institutions, enterprises and schools)等单位,要求设立防治性骚扰责任部门(set up special supervisory departments)、制定防治性骚扰制度(formulate working regulations)、开展防治性骚扰的宣传培训以及受理性骚扰申诉、举报和处置(conduct training and handle complaints and reports)。


公交、地铁、商场、影院等公共场所的性骚扰防治参照执行,应在明显的地方张贴“禁止性骚扰”标识(post "No Sexual Harassment" signs),公布性骚扰投诉处理热线电话(hotline for complaints)。


性侵 sexual misconduct
性骚扰 sexual harassment
性暴力 sexual violence
性别平等 gender equality
女性权益 women's rights
化学阉割 chemical castration


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

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