郑州暴雨 河南防汛应急响应级别提升为Ⅰ级
中国日报网 2021-07-21 10:57


A total of 12 people have been killed in the torrential rains in the downtown area of Zhengzhou, the provincial capital of central China's Henan province, the local government said. About 100,000 people have been relocated to safe places, it added. The accumulated rainfall reached 449 mm on average in Zhengzhou from 6 pm Sunday to midnight Tuesday.
从气象上来说,24小时降水量(24-hour precipitation)为50毫米或以上的雨称为“暴雨”(rainstorm/ downpour/ torrential rain)。特大暴雨是一种灾害性天气(disastrous weather),往往造成“洪涝灾害”(flood),在山区还会引发“山体滑坡”(landslide)和“泥石流”(debris flow)。Landslide(山体滑坡)是暴雨使山体不堪重负,由山体薄弱地带断开整体下滑,而debris flow(泥石流)是暴雨使沙土石达到水饱和,在重力的作用下液化的泥沙石向低洼处流动。
Zhengzhou received average precipitation of 457.5 mm within 24 hours to 5 pm Tuesday, the highest daily rainfall since the weather record began. The city also reported record-high hourly precipitation of 201.9 mm between 4 pm and 5 pm on Tuesday, the Henan provincial meteorological center said.

Rainstorms caused severe waterlogging, traffic disruptions, and power outages in Zhengzhou.
Waterlog在词典中的解释是to cause (a boat, ship, etc.) to become uncontrollable as a result of flooding(船只等被水淹后失控)或者to become saturated with water(被水浸透),在这里的语境下表示很多地方都被水淹了。在暴雨中被淹的车辆我们可以用waterlogged vehicles表示,即“涉水车辆”。
More than 160 trains stopped services at Zhengzhoudong Railway Station, stranding a large number of passengers.
The severe waterlogging has led to the virtual paralysis of the city's road traffic. Over 80 bus lines have been suspended, more than 100 temporarily detoured, and the subway service has also been temporarily suspended.
Both Henan provincial and Zhengzhou municipal flood control and drought relief headquarters have raised the emergency response for meteorological disasters to level I.
China’s central government has upgraded the nationwide flood control emergency response level from Level III to Level II at 3:00 am Wednesday local time, according to the relevant provisions of the State Emergency Plan for Flood Control and Drought Relief.

经请示中部战区批准,已调派解放军指战员(PLA soldiers)730人。武警官兵(armed forces)1159人、车辆60余辆,消防救援队伍(firefighting and rescue team)指战员6760人次、1383车次,民兵(the militia)690人,冲锋舟35艘,其它各类抢险装备25784套参与抢险救援。目前,救援工作仍在进行当中。
应急管理部(the Ministry of Emergency Management)第一时间启动消防救援队伍跨区域增援预案,连夜调派河北、山西、江苏、安徽、江西、山东、湖北7省消防救援水上救援专业队伍(professional marine rescue team)1800名指战员、250艘舟艇、7套“龙吸水”大功率排涝车(high-power drainage vehicles)、11套远程供水系统、1.85万余件(套)抗洪抢险救援装备紧急驰援河南防汛抢险救灾。
河南省气象台7月21日3时40分继续发布暴雨红色预警(red alert for rainstorms):目前,新乡、郑州、开封、许昌、漯河五地区和周口地区西部及平顶山、安阳两地区东部部分地区降水量已达50毫米以上,预计未来3小时内,上述地区降水持续,累积降水量(accumulated rainfall)将达100毫米以上。
蓝色预警(blue alert)
黄色预警(yellow alert)
橙色预警(orange alert)
红色预警(red alert)
floods 洪水
flash floods 山洪暴发
water level 水位
flood level 洪水水位
warning level 警戒水位
watercourses 河道/水道
water discharge 排水量
precipitation 降水量
release flood waters 泄洪
flood-diversion zones 分洪区
check dam 淤地坝/拦沙坝
flood-prevention 防洪
spillway 泄洪道
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)