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中国日报双语新闻 2022-11-21 08:00



据多家外媒报道,11月13日,来自西班牙活动组织“未来植物”(Futuro Vegetal)的气候活动家破坏了巴塞罗那埃及博物馆的木乃伊复制品陈列柜,以此抗议正在埃及召开的COP27,即《联合国气候变化框架公约》第二十七次缔约方大会(the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, COP27)。

Climate activists with the Spanish group Futuro Vegetal targeted a replica mummy as the Egyptian Museum in Barcelona this weekend to protest the climate conference, COP27, which is taking place now in Egypt.


Two people doused a display case with red and brown gunge from Coca-Cola bottles, also splattering framed images on surrounding walls. The liquid was thought to be syrup and beetroot juice.

二人随后将手黏上展品橱窗,并举起可口可乐的横幅,上面写着“climate justice”(气候正义)两个词。

They then glued their hands beside a nearby exhibit and held up a modified Coca-Cola banner scrawled with the words "climate justice".


The US drinks giant was one of the official sponsors of the UN's COP27 climate summit in Egypt, a position widely denounced by environmentalists who say the company is behind much of the world's plastic pollution.


The Futuro Vegetal activists said their latest ploy was to "highlight the emergency" the world faces.


"Currently 99 percent of the world's plastic is produced from fossil fuels," the group said.


"We find it hard to believe the global leader in plastic pollution is not going to use its influence as a sponsor of COP27 to advance its commercial interests given its total dependence on fossil fuels."



"Museum organizations are platforms for scientific dissemination, spaces for critical reflection and organizations dedicated to the protection of cultural and natural heritage, aligned and committed to the fight against climate change."




Recently, more than 90 museum leaders signed a letter decrying the actions of the eco-activists, saying that the protestors “severely underestimate the fragility” of the art works they are targeting.


"As museum directors entrusted with the care of these works, we have been deeply shaken by their risky endangerment."

"We will continue to advocate for direct access to our cultural heritage. And we will maintain the museum as a free space for social communication."


However, thus far, none of the paintings or works that have been targeted have been harmed.


来源:观察者网 国家报 ARTNews 法新社


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