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四大名著也有卡通版了 Cut the Monkey (King) business and discover the classical novels of Chinese literature... in cartoon form

The Beijinger 2024-02-09 13:51


Outlaws of the Marsh (《水浒传》, Shuǐ hǔ zhuàn)


Written by Shi Nai'an (施耐庵, shī nài ān) in the 14th Century, this book tells the story of 108 outlaws who join forces to form an army to stand against their harsh feudal rulers. Eventually granted amnesty by the government, they are then sent on campaigns to resist invaders and suppress rebel forces. This story was actually written in vernacular Chinese (白话文, bái huà wén), rather than classical, and has been adapted into 52 episodes for the cartoon version.

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