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Chinese idiom: 百折不挠

China Whisper 2024-06-03 17:25



"Chengyus" are a type of traditional Chinese idioms which consists of four characters. They were commonly used in ancient Chinese literature and are still widely used in spoken Chinese. Though only four characters, Chengyus often have a deep meaning behind them and is interwoven with the moral concepts from classical Chinese mythology. If you're ever looking to get a complex point across quickly, then there's no better way than four characters Chengyu in Chinese!


百折不挠 (bǎi zhé bù náo )
bai zhe bu nao
Image by baike.baidu.com


Individual Characters Meanings in "百折不挠"


百 – many, hundred
折 – setbacks, to suffer loses
不 – no, not to
挠 – bend


The Myth behind the Chengyu "百折不挠"


There was once a great administrator name Qiao Xuan (乔玄 qiáo xuán) during Han dynasty. He was a man of character. One day, a group of bandits robbed his house and kidnapped his son. The bandits asked a lot of money in exchange for his son's life. Soon, the officers (policemen at that time) surrounded the bandits, but they dare not attack for they feared the robbers would take the son's life.


At that time, Qiao shouted "Should I let go of these bad guys just because of my son's life?" He then ordered his officers to get the bandits. In the ensuing conflict, his son was killed. However, the people praised Qiao's perseverance and stoic attitude.


The moral behind this story is not to give up even when you face setbacks and difficulties.


The Meaning of the Chengyu "百折不挠"


– Not to bend despites many setbacks
– To describe a strong-willed person
– Don't give up even when facing frustrations and difficulties
– Indomitable


How to use the Chengyu "百折不挠"?


If we don't give up despites the struggles and continue to strike, it is certain to get the ultimate victory in the end.
Zhǐ yào wǒ men bǎi zhé bù náo de fèn dòu xià qù, jiù yī dìng néng qǔ dé zuì hòu shèng lì


来源:China Whisper

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