我听之我见:从没有听过有哪首歌像 Born to try 一样既有感人的歌词又有优美的旋律。每次听这首歌都好像是在回顾自己的奋斗历程,从懵懂到豁然开朗,伴随的那让人着迷的旋律,让我们重温着曾经从缓慢的起步到最后坚强的奋起时的感觉。当歌手用她那极具穿透力的声音唱出 born to try 时,我发现我的眼眶略有湿润。不知道是被什么感动?被那“无论如何,我只管拨开云雾,定会看见另一片天空”的信念,亦或被那“生命从不应该被计划得怎样”的不屈服地呐喊,还是 生为拼搏 本身所传达的理念让我们深深折服呢?
Born to Try by Delta Goodrem
Doing everything that I believe in
Going by the rules that I've been taught
More understanding of what's around me
And protected from the walls of love
All that you see is me
And all I truly believe
That I was born to try
I've learned to love
Be understanding
And believe in life
But you've got to make choices
Be wrong or right
Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like
But I was born to try
No point in talking what you should have been
And regretting the things that went on
Life's full of mistakes, destinies and fate
Remove the clouds look at the bigger picture
And all that you see is me