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Ratatouille 《料理鼠王》精讲之二
[ 2009-01-20 16:27 ]


谈及美食的电影,以其色香味俱全的诱惑,完成了各种各样的寓言,是名副其实的活色生香。除了《料理鼠王》,还有什么和美食相关的影片,让我们享受眼球盛宴呢? 考考你:小试牛刀


Gusteau: lf you are hungry, go up and look around, Remy. Why do you wait and mope?

Remy: Well, I've just lost my family, all my friends, probably forever.

Gusteau: How do you know?

Remy: You are an illustration. Why am I talking to you?

Gusteau: Well, you just lost your family, all your friends. You are lonely.

Remy: Yeah. Well, you're dead.

Gusteau: Ah, but that is no match for wishful thinking. If you focus on what you've left behind, you'll never be able to see what lies ahead. Now go up and look around. What are you doing?

Remy: I'm hungry. I don't know where I am, and I don't know when I'll find food again.

Gusteau: Remy, you are better than that. You are a cook. A cook makes. A thief takes. You are not a thief.

Remy: But I am hungry.

Gusteau: Food will come, Remy. Food always comes to those who love to cook.

Unidentified male: That’s right! You don't have that guts.

Remy: Paris? All this time I've been underneath Paris? Wow. It's beautiful.

Gusteau: The most beautiful.

Remy: Gusteau's? Your restaurant? You've led me to your restaurant.

Gusteau: It seems as though I have. Yes. There it is! I have led you to it!

Remy: I got to see this.

Voiceover1: Ready to go on table seven.

Collette Tatou: Coming around.

Voiceover2: One order of steamed pike up.

Voiceover3: Coming up.

Voiceover4: I need more soup bowls, please.

Collette Tatou: I need two rack of lamb. I need more leeks.

Unidentified male1: I need two salmon, three salade composee, and three filet.

Voiceover5: Three orders of salade composee working.

Unidentified male2: Firing two orders, seared salmon.

Collette Tatou: Three filet working. I need plates.

Voiceover6: Fire seven. -Three salade composee up.

Voiceover7: I'm getting burnt.



1. mope: 郁闷的,生闷气,和feel depressed意思接近。剧中Gusteau对Remy说:“如果你饿了,就上去转转吧,干嘛在这里闷等?”

mope about/round/around就是“没精打采地东游西荡”的意思,mope one's time away是“闷闷不乐地过日子”,have a bit of a mope是“有些闷闷不乐”。来看mope的具体用法:

Don't mope around the house like that go for a walk. 别这么没精打采地在家里打转,出去散散步吧。

Don't mope over it all day. 不要成天为这档子事闷闷不乐。

He is no mope, only thoughtful and quiet. 他不是那种忧郁的人,只是好思考,不多说话。

2. wishful thinking: 痴心妄想,如意算盘,一厢情愿的想法,异想天开。Gusteau对Remy说:“我虽然死了,也比你整天做白日梦强!”来看例句:

Could this wishful thinking become a reality? 这个如意算盘可不可以打得响?

A three-week vacation? That's just wishful thinking! 三周假期?真是异想天开!

His belief that she will marry him is only wishful thinking. 他以为她会嫁给自己的, 这只是梦想而已。


She felt in her gut that he was guilty. 她从心底知道他是有罪的。


I have no guts to ask her out. 我没有勇气约她出去。

She's wishy-washy, and has no guts. 她是软棉花捏的,一点儿骨气都没有。

guts还有别的用法,比如 hate sb's guts表示“非常讨厌某人”,the guts of a problem是“问题的重点”,have no guts in sth.指的是“毫无内容;毫无价值”,run sb. through the guts是“折磨某人”

4. come around: 来访,恢复知觉,来了。台词中是“来了”的意思。来看类似用法:

Birthdays come around too quickly when one is older. 一个人年纪大了生日就会到来得非常快。

May Day will soon come around. 五一节快来了。

英语中有很多表达“快了,就来了”的方式,比如台词中的come around, come up。还有I am coming.(我就来。)He'll come in a jerk.(他马上就来。)He will come right away.(他就来。)Come right down. (马上就来。)I'm coming in a tick.(我马上就来。)I'll be with you shortly.(我马上就来。)I'll come in a jiffy.(我马上就来。)等等。

美食电影 谈及美食的电影,以其色香味俱全的诱惑,完成了各种各样的寓言,是名副其实的活色生香。除了《料理鼠王》,还有什么和美食相关的影片,让我们享受眼球盛宴呢?


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