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A River Runs Through It《大河恋》精讲之一
[ 2009-02-09 19:36 ]

影片介绍: 一部拍得如诗如画的怀旧文艺片,改编自诺曼·麦克林的自传体小说。故事背景是20世纪初的蒙大拿乡下。本片节奏舒缓,摄影讲究,飞蝇钓鱼的场面散发出神奇的视觉魅力......




Voiceover of Norman Maclean: My father was a Presbyterian(基督教新教长老会的minister and a fly-fisherman.

Reverend Maclean: There is one yonder...

Voiceover of Norman Maclean: And though it is true that one day a week was given over wholly to religion, even then he told us about Christ's disciples being fishermen.

And we were left to assume, as my younger brother Paul and I did, that all first-class fishermen on the Sea of Galilee were fly-fishermen. And that John, the favourite, was a dry fly-fisherman.

Reverend Maclean: The poor without Christ are of all men the most miserable. But the poor with Christ are princes and kings of the earth.

Voiceover of Norman Maclean: In the afternoon, we would walk with him while he unwound between services. He almost always chose a path along the Big Blackfoot, which we considered our family river. And it was there he felt his soul restored and his imagination stirred.

Reverend Maclean: Long ago, rain fell on mud and became rock. Half a billion years ago. But even before that, beneath the rocks, are the words of God. Listen.

Voiceover of Norman Maclean: And if Paul and I listened very carefully all our lives, we might hear those words.

Even so, Paul and I probably received as many hours' instruction in fly-fishing as we did on all other spiritual matters.

As a Presbyterian, my father believed that man by nature was a damned mess, and only by picking up God's rhythms could we regain power and beauty.

Reverend Maclean: Ten...

Voiceover of Norman Maclean: To him, all good things, trout as well as eternal salvation, come by grace. And grace comes by art, and art does not come easy.


1. fly fishing: 飞钓,飞蝇钓。就是使用特殊的飞钓线(fly line)、飞钓杆(fly rod)和人工拟饵(fly),利用独特的挥舞技术和线本身的重量,将线和饵打出去,然后慢慢回收线,利用不同手法和水流状况表现拟饵的活动,吸引鱼儿攻击上钩的一种钓鱼方法。钓者并非使用嗡嗡叫的真苍蝇做饵,而是使用苍蝇拟饵(即假蝇)。

假蝇有干蝇和湿蝇之分:干蝇在水中不下沉,浮在水面上;湿蝇在水中下沉。要使假蝇漂浮在水面,假蝇要涂上鸭或鹅的油脂。使用干蝇钓鱼叫做干蝇钓,使用湿蝇钓鱼叫作湿蝇钓。接下来的对白中出现的"dry fly-fisher"指的就是用干蝇钓法的人。

2. yonder: there的同义词,表示“那边(的), 远处(的)”。是古英语,现在是某些地区的方言。

There is snow on the yonder side of the mountain. 山那边有雪。

He has walked to yonder hill. 他已经走到那边的小山了。

3. give over to:沉湎于,沉浸于,用来...。如:give oneself over to drink(纵酒),give oneself over to dissipation(放荡的沉迷于挥霍无度的)

Don't give yourself over to sadness. 别使自己陷在悲痛之中。

The period after supper was given over to games. 晚饭后的时间用来娱乐。


4. Sea of Galilee: 加利利海(即太巴列湖,位于以色列和叙利亚之间)。耶稣的大部分记事发生在加利利海边。那时,这里有继续沿湖发展的居民点和村庄、大量贸易和渡船。马可福音和马太福音描写耶稣如何从加利利海边呼召了祂的四个使徒:渔夫圣彼得和兄弟圣安德烈、使徒约翰和圣雅各布。耶稣的一个著名教导,登山宝训,就是在湖边的山上。祂的许多神迹都发生在这里:在水面行走、平静风暴、喂饱五千人等等。

5. unwind: 本意是“松开”,也可引申为“放松、松弛”。旁边说:“下午父亲不忙于做礼拜的时候,我们就跟着他去散步。”来看例句:

Reading is a good way to unwind. 阅读是休息的好方式。

People drink to relax,unwind and enjoy themselves. 人们以喝酒来放松自己,轻轻松松地自我享受一下。

The credit binge will not unwind quickly or gently. 信贷危机并不会很快过去或是缓缓消除。

影片介绍: 一部拍得如诗如画的怀旧文艺片,改编自诺曼·麦克林的自传体小说。故事背景是20世纪初的蒙大拿乡下。本片节奏舒缓,摄影讲究,飞蝇钓鱼的场面散发出神奇的视觉魅力......


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