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Marley & Me 《马利和我》精讲之二
[ 2009-04-13 17:40 ]




Jennifer: Sit. Sit. Sit.Marley.

Coach: This, class, is a classic example of a dog who has foolishly been allowed to believe he is the alpha male of the pack...and therefore, he can never be a happy animal.

John: Yeah. He looks pretty miserable.

Coach: You, joker, rotate in. And lose the sunglasses. Dog likes to be looked at in the eye.

John: I got it.

Jennifer: Okay.

Coach: Okay. You got him?

John: Yeah.

Coach: Okay. So, collar your dogs.

John: Good boy.

Coach: All right, dogs on the left, on the count of three. One, two, three. Let's go. Very nice. Very good. Good. Hey! Correct him! Rein in that dog. All right. All right, class. Come on. Let's line up again. Class, it's a simple question of having confidence in your own authority. I shall now demonstrate a simple walk. All right? Mr. Grogan?

John: Sorry.

Coach: May I? All right, even an unruly dog likes to obey his leader. Marley, heel. Yeah. Marley Marley Marley!

John: Careful. Marley, no! Marley!

Coach: Aaah! That's it. He is out. Sorry. Usually he does this with poodles. That dog is a bad influence on the others. Now, leg humping is like a virus. Once it takes hold of the group,No.

John: Okay.

Coach: He has got to go.


1.alpha male:alpha是希腊字母的第一个字母,即居统治地位的,占主导地位的男性。影片中教练说到:“有的狗错误的自以为是家中的老大,我们这堂课就来做个纠正。”来看例句:

He is an alpha male.他是男人中的男人。

2.rotate in: 轮流,轮换。影片中教练对John说到:“轮到你了。”

Farmers rotate crops in the field.农民在耕地上轮栽农作物。

3.rein in:控制住。影片中教练对John说到:“管好你的狗。”来看例句:

You must rein in your temper.你一定要捺住火气。

Do your best to rein in your desire.尽最大努力压制你的欲望。

4.line up:排队。影片中教练看着混乱的场面,对大家说到:“重新站好。”

People line up to buy tickets. 人们排队买票。

Please line up the chairs.请把椅子排放好。

5.takes hold of:掌握,取代,控制。影片中教练对John说到:“一旦他整个团队都跟着他学,绝对不行。”

奥运会在全世界受到的关注是其它体育赛事无法比拟的。No sporting event takes hold of the world's attention like the Olympic Games.



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