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Desperate Housewives 《绝望主妇》精讲之二
[ 2009-05-22 17:26 ]




Gabrielle: Fran Schulman? Fran,huh? It's Gabrielle Solis from the tennis club.

Fran:Oh, of course.

Gabrielle: Wow, it's been years! The last time I saw you was at that charity fashion show. Wasn't that fun?

Fran:Yes. Yes, it was.

Gabrielle: So what are you doing here? Are you volunteering?

Fran:Not exactly.

Gabrielle: Me either. My daughter's gotten sosnooty. I am forcing her to spend time with the great unwashed. You wanna ditch this place for a cappuccino?

Fran:Um, actually, I'm here to eat.

Gabrielle: Oh!

Mike: It's Susan.

Catherine: Great. We don't see enough of her.

Mike: And she's not alone. Hey, Jackson, long time no see. What's going on?

Jackson: Um... We sort of have an announcement.

Susan: We're getting married.

Catherine: Oh, my god! This is such great news! Oh! So... When's the date?

Susan: Monday.

Mike: Whoa. Well, that's kind of sudden.

Catherine: Well, when you know, you know. Why wait?

Jackson: And we're having a little engagement party on Friday, and you're both invited.

Catherine: A party? Count us in. I can't think of a better reason to celebrate.

Mike: Have you told M.J. Yet?

Susan: Yeah. He was on board when he found out there was cake.


1.Snooty: 目中无人的, 势利的。影片中Gabrielle对家道中落的Fran说:“我女儿太傲慢自满了,我正逼她接触接触贫困人们呢。”

 A snooty letter 一封措辞傲慢的信

A snooty store 一家势利眼的店铺

2.the great unwashed:Unwashed的本意是,未洗的,未被冲刷的:a stack of dishes 一堆未洗的盘碟。这里的意思是,无知的人,下层民众(含贬义)。例如:

Popular support lay in the unwashed social stratum.民众的支持存在于社会底层。

3.ditch: 抛弃,丢弃,这里是指想离开某地。影片中对Fran处境毫不知情的Gabrielle建议到:“你想出去喝杯卡布奇诺吗?”例如:

 To ditch the meeting 不想去开会,逃会

To ditch one’s girlfriend 甩掉女友

To ditch an old car 丢弃旧车

4. on board:成为其中一部分,同意了。Susan毫无征兆的订婚让Mike有些担忧,他对Susan说:“M.J.知道这件事吗?” Susan说:“是的,当他有发现蛋糕的时候就同意了。”来看例句:

He had been on board the President’s staff.他曾是总统班子的成员。



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