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Desperate Housewives 《绝望主妇》精讲之七
[ 2009-06-05 17:31 ]




Bree: what were you thinking?

Karl: First, tell me if it worked, then I'll tell you what I was thinking.

Bree: Don't be glib. Did you hire someone to attack Orson?

Karl: Yes.

Bree: Are you insane? Your thug tried to strangle him.

Karl: If he had tried to strangle him, he'd be dead. Look, Orson had the upper hand in this divorce. We needed to regain it.

Bree: Not byresorting to physical violence. I would never have given my permission for that.

Karl: That's why I didn't ask you. W-what's your beef here, bree?

Bree: My beef is that from the minute I walked into this office, you have pulled me deeper and deeper into your moral cesspool. That is not why I hired you.

Karl: Please. That is exactly why you hired me. Face it. You were tired of being a good girl. You knew it was time toplay dirty.

Bree: I wanted to protect what was mine. You have turned into someone I don't recognize.

Karl: And you've loved every minute of it.

Bree: No, I haven't.

Karl: Yes, you have! And so have I. Because the truth is, I think you're the most fascinating woman that I have ever met.

Bree: What? Karl...if I have not been clear about how I feel about you, I apologize for any ambiguity. Understand this--I detest you.

Karl: No, you don't. I can see it in your eyes. You want me to walk over there and pull you up against me and kiss you until your kneesbuckle.

Bree: You're fired.

Karl: Good. That keeps this from being a breach of ethics.

Bree: My knees haven't buckled yet.


1.glib: 流利圆滑的, 善辩的,油腔滑调的。影片中Karl雇人暴打了Orson一顿,Bree前来兴师问罪,她说:“别跟我油腔滑调。”

a glib tongue三寸不烂之舌
You are certainly blessed with a glib tongue. 你倒真会说话!
2.thug:恶棍, 刺客, 凶手, 暴徒。Bree质问道:“你疯了吗? 那个恶棍要掐死他。”
The thug grappled him around the neck. 那个歹徒抓住了他的脖子。
3.upper hand:优势,有利地位。影片中Karl为自己的行为辩解道:“现在Orson占上风 我们要夺回主动权。”来看例句:
Which side gained the upper hand? 哪一方占上风?
A wise general can gain the upper hand in any battle. 一位有智慧的将军在任何战争中都能占上风。
4.resort to: 诉诸于, 采取。Bree坚持己见:“不是用这种暴力手段。”
You must never resort to violence. 你们决不能诉诸武力。
He will listen to anybody's beef against the President. 任何人对总统发表不满意见,他都愿意倾听。
6.cesspool:污水坑, 化粪池。
7.play dirty:耍鬼把戏。影片中Karl说:“你做够了淑女,是时候玩阴的了。”
He really play dirty. 他手法卑鄙。



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