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Sir Bobby Robson 博比•罗布森爵士

Sir Bobby Robson 博比•罗布森爵士 

Fans left memorials at the foot of Sir Bobby's statue in Ipswich
Sir Bobby Robson has passed away 与世长辞 after a long battle with cancer 癌症 but the popular 76-year-old leaves a lasting legacy 永久传奇.

Sir Bobby spent many years as a player at Fulham before moving into management with the very same team.

He then moved to Ipswich, where he spent the next 13 years and where he led the team to FA Cup 英格兰足总杯 and European Cup 欧洲杯 glory 荣誉.

And few will forget Sir Bobby's valiant efforts 英勇斗志 when taking England to the World Cup semi-finals in 1990. The team may not have won the World Cup but Sir Bobby's efforts certainly won him international praise 赞扬.

He will be sorely missed

Sir Bobby Robson 博比•罗布森爵士

 He epitomised everything that is great about football in this country…he will be sorely missed.

Sir Bobby Robson 博比•罗布森爵士

Gordon Brown, UK Prime Minister

His international career took in PSV Eindhoven, Sporting Lisbon, FC Porto, and Barcelona but he eventually returned home to Newcastle United.

The homecoming 回家 of this County-Durham-born man, turned out to be his last major football post.

And yet football will not be the only legacy Sir Bobby Robson leaves behind. He worked tirelessly 无怨无悔的工作 to raise money and awareness for cancer charities after being diagnosed 诊断 with the disease in 1992.

The Bobby Robson Foundation is a registered charity 注册慈善机构 and has raised more than £1.5 million (approximately 15 million RMB) to date.

A sad day

Sir Bobby Robson 博比•罗布森爵士

 It is a sad day and a great loss. I never played for a more enthusiastic man. He gave so much to the game.

Sir Bobby Robson 博比•罗布森爵士

Gary Lineker, footballer and TV pundit

The donations 捐献 have been put towards cancer research and the ongoing quest for a cure 治愈 for the deadly disease.

Fans and former colleagues have been inundating 向洪水泛滥的,应接不暇的 the Robson family with their messages of condolence 唁电. Footballer Gary Lineker said:

"It is a sad day and a great loss. I never played for a more enthusiastic 热情地 man. He gave so much to the game."

UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown echoed 重复 those thoughts when he spoke of Sir Bobby's passing 逝去:

"He epitomised 体现了 everything that is great about football in this country… he will be sorely missed 极大损失和遗憾."