Your score: 0/6
Your score: 1/6
Your score: 2/6
Your score: 3/6
Your score: 4/6
Your score: 5/6
Your score: 6/6 |
1 : What do we say when things don't just go wrong but go very wrong? |
The possible answers were:
Throw caution to the wind
To save for a rainy day
It never rains but it pours
Under the weather
You said:
Throw caution to the wind
To save for a rainy day
It never rains but it pours
Under the weather
不对,throw caution to the wind 这个成语的意思是考虑不成熟,冒险行事。想想什么成语是形容一旦出事,后果就不堪设想。
不对,to save for a rainy day 这个成语的意思是为将来困难的时候做好准备。想想什么成语是形容一旦出事,后果就不堪设想。
恭喜,你答对了。It never rains but it pours 从不下雨,一下就是倾盆大雨, 这个成语的意思就是一旦出事,后果就不堪设想。
不对,under the weather 是形容身体不舒服。想想什么成语是形容一旦出事,后果就不堪设想。
2 : Jane just won £7,000 from the lottery; she's on cloud _______. |
The possible answers were:
You said:
不对,Jane 刚刚中了大奖,高兴的感觉就像是在云里飘着一样,这里可以用哪个数字来完成这个成语? 请再想想。
不对,Jane 刚刚中了大奖,高兴的感觉就像是在云里飘着一样,这里可以用哪个数字来完成这个成语? 请再想想。
很好,Jane 刚刚中了大奖,高兴的感觉就像是在云里飘着一样,这里可以用 nine 数字九来完成这个成语。
不对,Jane 刚刚中了大奖,高兴的感觉就像是在云里飘着一样,这里可以用哪个数字来完成这个成语? 请再想想。
3 : After 30 years of service, Luke suddenly decided to quit his job. It was like __________ for everyone in his office. |
The possible answers were:
a bolt from the blue
a shock
a storm in a teacup
a bolt from the dark
You said:
a bolt from the blue
a shock
a storm in a teacup
a bolt from the dark
很好,like a bolt from the blue 就是形容突发事件让大家大吃一惊,完全出乎意料。
不对,like a shock 不是成语。请再想想什么成语可以形容突发事件让大家完全出乎意料,没有准备。
不对,like a storm in a teacup 意思是小题大做。请再想想什么成语可以形容突发事件让大家完全出乎意料,没有准备。
4 : Sandy's parents never believed that she could become a pop star, they thought she was just chasing ______. |
The possible answers were:
the moon
You said:
the moon
不对, 英语里没有chasing clouds 这个比喻。再想想有什么成语可以形容追求不切实际的东西。
很好, 回答正确。Chasing rainbows 就是做白日梦,追求不切实际的东西。
不对,英语里没有 chasing the moon 这个比喻。再想想有什么成语可以形容追求不切实际的东西。
不对,英语里没有 chasing stars 这个比喻。再想想有什么成语可以形容追求不切实际的东西。
5 : Some people won't tell others what they think until they know which way the __________. |
The possible answers were:
sail goes
sand flows
water flows
wind blows
You said:
sail goes
sand flows
water flows
wind blows
不对,英语里没有 know which way the sail goes 这个比喻。再想想有什么成语的意思是先看情况,再做决定。
不对,英语里没有 know which way the sand flows 这个比喻。再想想有什么成语的意思是先看情况,再做决定。
不对,英语里没有 know which way the water flows 这个比喻。再想想有什么成语的意思是先看情况,再做决定。
很好,know which way the wind blows 看风往那边吹,意思就是先看看事情的发展情况如何。
6 : Which of the following idioms means to experience something bad and survive it? |
The possible answers were:
The calm before the storm
To get wind of something
To steal someone's thunder
To weather the storm
You said:
The calm before the storm
To get wind of something
To steal someone's thunder
To weather the storm
不对,the calm before the storm 意思是暴风雨前的平静。再想想哪个成语是渡过难关的意思?
不对,to get wind of something 意思是听到风声。再想想哪个成语是渡过难关的意思?
不对,to steal someone's thunder 意思是抢人风头,比别人先做了。再想想哪个成语是渡过难关的意思?
很好,to weather the storm 就是渡过难关。