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BBC 英语教学频道
奥运英语 Olympic English
英语小测试 Weekly Quiz
随身英语 Take Away English
地道英语 Real English
单词大师 Wordmaster
Quizzes 在线小测验

本周小测验: Talking vaguely 模糊表达
Common verb structures 常用动词结构
Conditional structures 条件从句结构
Knowledge idioms 与了解有关的谚语
Words ending in -ever
Future forms 将来时态
Collocations for talking about films 谈论电影
Body idioms 与身体有关的谚语
House and home 家
Cooking idioms “烹饪谚语”
Food preparation and cooking 做饭
Love & Relationships 爱情
Syllable stress 重音音节
Past participle spelling patterns过去分词的拼写
Formal and informal language正式与非正式用语
Inifinitives and Gerunds 动词不定式和动名词
Do and Make
Crime 对犯罪说不!
Business prepositions商务领域的介词
In court 在法庭上
Travel and Transport 旅行和交通
Food and flavours 食品和味道
Work 工作
The weather 天气
Changing meanings with prefixes 词缀
Around the home 家里家外
It must be 一定是……
Go, play or do?
Present tenses 现在时
How long...?
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Publisher:Ballantine Books
ISBN: 034549394X
List Price: 70 RMB
Discounted Price(优惠价): 63 RMB
You save: 7 RMB