Cinderella 2 《灰姑娘》2 (精讲之五) [ 2006-07-19 09:45 ]
影片对白 I guess there are
some things only a mouse can do.
文化面面观 Magic

1. 他们低声辩论。
2. 我们可不可以以你的名义出这本书.
3. 你可以指望他帮忙。
Cinderella 2《灰姑娘》2 (精讲之四)考考你 参考答案
So make your own way, show the beauty within 展示真实自我,焕发真我风采 When you
follow your heart there's no heart you can't win 做回自我,才能赢得别人 So reach for
the sky it's not high as it seems 试过你会发现,事情并没有想的那么难。 Just follow your
heart go as far as your dreams 用你的真心,追逐你的梦。 There's a world for the
changing and you've just begun 这世界在变化,你才刚刚开始 Don't let them tell you it's
simply not done 别让别人告诉你这不合规矩 When you follow your heart you'll shine
bright as the
sun 当你展现自我,光芒有如日光