首届罗马电影节请来妮可“叫板”威尼斯 [ 2006-08-28 13:11 ]
享誉世界的意大利威尼斯电影节开幕在即,只比威尼斯电影节晚一个多月的首届罗马国际电影节也正在紧锣密鼓地筹备。后者的主办方日前宣布,好莱坞影星妮可·基德曼主演的新片《皮毛》将为罗马国际电影节揭幕。有关评论认为,基德曼在首届罗马国际电影节上亮相,将加剧意大利国内关于罗马电影节与威尼斯电影节争人气的讨论。威尼斯电影节创立于1932年,据传目前在组织和财政上出现一些问题。业内人士认为,这两个电影节将就明星和首映影片等展开竞争。 |
Comair Bombardier CRJ-200 regional jet similar to the one that
crashed in Lexington, Kentucky, yesterday morning is shown in this
file photo. Comair Flight 5191 went down a mile from Lexington's
airport shortly after takeoff. At least one person survived.
[AP] | Nicole Kidman will open
Rome's first international film festival with her portrayal of U.S.
photographer Diane Arbus, organizers said on Friday.
Kidman plays Arbus in Steven Shainberg's "Fur," which premieres in Rome on October 13.
"I love Italy and I feel great affinity with it," Kidman said in a
statement issued by organizers of the Rome festival. "I am especially
proud to be christening this
important event."
Kidman's presence in the capital will add to a debate in Italy over the
rivalry between the Rome event and Venice's venerable film festival,
established in 1932.
Just two years ago Kidman was the headline star at the Venice festival.
Film industry experts say the two festivals will compete over stars and
premieres, and Rome could cast a shadow over Venice's festival, which has
been dogged by organizational and financial problems.
After her suicide in 1971 Arbus became the first American photographer
to be exhibited by the Venice Biennale, the art foundation that oversees
the Venice festival, the world's oldest film competition.
Rome organizers said other premieres will include "The Namesake" by
Indian director Mira Nair and "N" -- a film about Napoleon by Italy's
Paolo Virzi. Additionally, Sean Connery will receive an award for lifetime
(Agencies) |
premiere: 首映
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