[ 2006-09-14 14:43 ]

综上所述,我们建议对"全面建设小康社会" 采取以下几种翻译方法:
1. To build/turn/advance China into a moderately prosperous society/country/nation in an all-round / well-rounded way
2. To bring moderate prosperity to China in a well-rounded/all-round way
3. To implement in a well-rounded / all-round way the strategy of building/turning China into a society/country/nation of moderate prosperity
4. To attain the well-rounded / all-round goal of building/turning China into a society/country/nation of moderate prosperity
5. To adopt a well-rounded / all-round / total approach to create a society/country/nation of moderate prosperity
  这里顺便提一下如何翻译"全面建设小康社会,开创中国特色社会主义新局面"的问题。一些正式出版的刊物把"全面建设小康社会,开创中国特色社会主义新局面"翻译为 Build a well-off society in an all-round way and create a new situation in building socialism with Chinese characteristics. 很显然,从句子结构上看,"全面建设小康社会" 和 "开创中国特色社会主义新局面" 这两部分之间的关系并不是并列的,而是前提与后果的关系,即通过全面建设小康社会达到开创中国特色社会主义新局面的目的。那么,应如何翻译这个句子呢?这里提出两种译文供参考:一是照字面上将其翻译成Build China into a moderately prosperous society in an all-round / well-rounded way, opening new prospects for the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics;另外一种更加"英语化"也较简短的译文是Implement the "moderate prosperity" program in an all-round / well-rounded way,opening up new vistas for the China-specific socialist cause。这两个译文不但意思上更准确、更贴近原文,同时也更生动、更符合英语习惯,可读性更强。
About the author:

丁衡祁丁衡祁,对外经济贸易大学商务英语系教授,2002 年退休后被对外经济贸易大学卓越国际学院聘为英语教学研究中心主任。曾任对外经济贸易大学研究生部主任兼师资培训中心主任。曾被派往中国驻美国旧金山总领事馆任商务领事。曾在中央电视台主讲英语教学节目《夺魁》(Bid for Power)。现为中国翻译协会理事,《中国翻译》杂志编委,中国译协对外传播委员会成员,全国翻译专业资格考试英语专家委员会委员,中国日报网站英语点津“翻译擂台赛”特约专家,中国对外翻译出版公司专家顾问委员会委员,中国进出口银行英文译审。



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