《加勒比海盗》1(精讲之三) [ 2007-04-06 18:28 ]
影片对白 If you
spring me from this cell, I swear on pain of death I shall take you to the Black
Pearl and your bonny lass.
文化面面观 加勒比海的海盗 & 皇港 Port
By the 1660s, Port Royal is the greatest pirate haven in the Caribbean and
her governor, Thomas Modyford hands out Letters of Marque and Reprisal to any
man with a boat who can keep an oath not to attack English ships. Port Royal
becomes known as the 'wickedest town on Earth.'
The population of Port Royal numbers about 7,500
permanent residents with nearly 5,000 men in the garrison. From 2,000 to 5,000
sailors roam the streets and alleyways each night adding even more to the
On June 7, 1692, a large part of Port Royal is forcibly removed from the
Earth by a devastating earthquake which slumps most of the town into the sea.
Thousands are killed and Port Royal is never fully rebuilt. Huguenots claim that
the earthquake is the work of God. The British throne, being ever so much more
prudent, does very little to help in rebuilding and instead turns its attention
to it's number two colony: Massachusetts. The city has been rebuilt by the
beginning of the early 18th century and has become more respectable, becoming
one of the main bases against piracy, although many pirates still frequent the
dockside inns, taverns and brothels.
Anything can be sold in Port Royal. The only factor is the price. Any goods
may be bought in Port Royal at base price.
Crews can be recruited in Port Royal, but be warned: the scum of Port Royal
are some of the worst on Earth.
1. 别碰那本书!那可是约翰的宝贝。 2. 一些女孩认为:"如果我不漂亮的话,那我活着还有什么意义呢?" 3.
《加勒比海盗》1(精讲之二)考考你 参考答案
1. 我确定他想再买一辆车。 I'm sure he's in the market for another car.
不管怎么努力,我就是接受不了那个提议。 No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't warm up to
that proposal.