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Spectators at the Ancient Games
[ 2007-06-04 10:52 ]


The Olympic festival brought huge numbers of visitors to Olympia. Most people slept outside, under the stars, although the wealthy and members of official delegations erected elaborate tents and pavilions. Merchants, craftsmen and food vendors arrived to sell their wares. The busy schedule included religious ceremonies, including sacrifices, speeches by well-known philosophers, poetry recitals, parades, banquets and victory celebrations.

The wealthy attempted to outdo each other in lavish displays. The Syracusan tyrant Dionysius sent several expensive four-horse chariot teams, beautifully decorated tents, and professional actors to recite poetry he himself had written. At first, people gawked with admiration, and when the reciters started, the listeners were enchanted by the pleasing voices. But when they observed how poor Dionysius' verses were, they began to laugh scornfully, and some people even dared to rifle the tents.

Other political figures were more warmly welcomed by the crowds, just as we like to spot celebrities at sporting events today.

(南开大学通讯员孙伟 王乐迪投稿) 







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