向老板汇报工作(2) [ 2007-06-15 10:54 ]
(C =Customer, T = Tony, M = May, B = Boss)
C: Excuse me? C:打扰了。
M: Hello. Can I help you? M:你好,有什么需要吗?
C: Er, no. Can you tell me where the toilets are, please?
M: Hmm. Yes, they are over there. M:哦,在那边。
T: This is terrible, May. I'm going to phone head office to talk about it.
M: OK and ask them to send us some more brochures and order forms.
T: Hello? Hello? Hello, this is Tony, phoning from England. We're at the
conference. T:喂?喂?你好,我是托尼,我从英国打来的,我们在展会呢。
B: Hello Tony. Is it all going well? Is everything OK? B:你好,托尼。一切顺利吗?
T: Well, a few problems actually. The exhibition stand is right at the back
and it's tiny. And we have very few brochures and order forms.
B: Hello, Tony. Can you hear me? B:喂,托尼,能听到吗?
T: Yes. T:能。
B: That sounds terrible. We ordered a stand near the entrance! Didn't you
talk to the conference manager? B:听起来很糟糕啊。我们订的展位是靠近入口的,你没和展会经理谈吗?
T: Yes, but... T:谈了,可是……
B: I want you to deal with it today, please, Tony! We spent a lot of money on
that stand and we'll send the brochures immediately.
T: Well, I'll do my best, but I don't think we can change it.
B: Tony, if you can't do it then I'll phone the conference manager myself.
And another thing, can you try to find a good agent there to act for us in
Britain? Did you remember? To help with the publicity and so on?
T: OK. I'll do my best. I'll phone you again tomorrow, bye.
C: Excuse me... C:打扰了。
T: Yes, can I help you? T:需要帮忙吗?
C: Can you tell me the way to the toilets, please? C:知道洗手间怎么走吗?
(来源:BBC 实习生江巍 英语点津 Annabel 编辑)
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