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Casino Royale《皇家赌场》(精讲之二)
[ 2007-08-02 11:11 ]

3. Check

在扑克游戏中指"to decline to initiate the betting in a betting round, usually to force another player to make the first bet rather than raise it"。

4. Bet


5. Table Stakes

In poker, table stakes refers to the maximum a player can bet and possibly lose during the course of a single hand (游戏中的一局). It is the money he or she has on the table at the beginning of that hand.

If a players bets until they are out of chips(筹码) they are considered all in and cannot take money from their pockets and add cash to their bets. Almost all poker games are considered to be played table stakes.

6. Over the edge

本片段中唯一一个不是关于纸牌游戏的表达。这个片语的意思是"Insane 发疯的,疯狂的",例如:I think he's gone over the edge.


James Bond 身世之谜

Due to Fleming's changes of dates and times in which events occurred, Bond's specific birth year is unknown. Most researchers or biographers have concluded that Bond was born in 1920, 1921 or 1924.

It is also debated where James Bond was born. According to John Pearson and his bookJames Bond: The Authorised Biography of 007, Bond was born in Wattenscheid, a small town near Essen, Germany. Charlie Higson, in his novel SilverFin states that Bond was born in Switzerland. Bond is unquestionably British.

James Bond is the son of a Scottish father, Andrew Bond of Glencoe, and a Swiss mother, Monique Delacroix of the Canton de Vaud. Bond spent many of his early years abroad and became proficient in German and French due to his father's work as a foreign representative of the Vickers armaments firm. When Bond was 11, both of his parents died in a mountain climbing accident in the Aiguilles Rouges near Chamonix.

While Bond's family did not have a motto initially, he was invited to adopt one during "Operation Corona" in the novelOn Her Majesty's Secret Service. The motto, Orbis non sufficit is Latin for "The world is not enough." The coat of arms and motto belong to Sir Thomas Bond, who was never proven to be of any relation to James Bond. He never requested research to confirm his potential genealogical relationship to Sir Thomas Bond and his family. Bond, in fact, showed no true interest or enthusiasm about the matter, as can be demonstrated by his abrupt response to Griffin Or after being told about the motto:

"Griffon Or broke in excitedly, 'And this charming motto of the line, "The World is not Enough". You do not wish to have the right to it?' 'It is an excellent motto which I shall certainly adopt,' said Bond curtly. He looked pointedly at his watch. 'Now I'm afraid we really must get down to business. I have to report back to my Ministry.' " (On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Chapter 6: Bond of Bond Street? )

After the death of his parents, he subsequently went to live with his aunt, Miss Charmian Bond, who completed his early education. He later briefly attended Eton College starting at the age of "12 or thereabouts" (13 in Young Bond), but left after two halves when some "alleged" troubles with one of his maids came to light. In the short story "From a View to a Kill", however, Bond recounts losing his virginity on his first visit to Paris at the age of 16.

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