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UK soccer fans to shell out on World Cup apologies
[ 2010-06-09 09:17 ]


Airport workers cheer as England's national football team boards a flight to the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa, at Heathrow airport in London, June 2, 2010. (Agencies)

British men are gearing up to spend a small fortune in presents to mollify their wives and girlfriends for all the time they intend to spend watching this summer's soccer World Cup, a new survey showed.

A Flower Council of Holland survey of 1,000 Britons showed men are prepared to spend 20 pounds ($28.86) a time or slightly more saying sorry for being glued to the gogglebox or heading down to the pub to watch matches with their mates when the tournament kicks off in South Africa this week.

However, the research also reveals that women, while appreciating expensive gifts, are just as happy with a bunch of flowers (33 percent), followed by chocolates (22 percent) or a good meal (15 percent) and most put the value of expected apologetic booty at just under nine pounds per incident.

"In response to these findings, a clever new iPhone app has been unveiled to make sure our men stay firmlyin the public house rather than the doghouse during the four-week period," the Flower Council of Holland said in a statement.

The free "ScoreAtHome" app helps you find the nearest florist to the pub so you can call through your floral apology while still sipping a pint. It also allows you to check the latest football scores on the go.

(Read by Renee Haines. Renee Haines is a journalist at the China Daily Web site.)










巴西妓女借热世界杯 推出色情T恤


“球迷”别称 the 12th man

日本申办2022年世界杯 许诺提供3D直播

大赛在即 德国球星晒“怪癖”


世界杯来临 英国人宿醉上班人数或飙升


(中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮 编辑蔡姗姗)


gear up to do sth.: 准备好做某事

mollify: to make somebody feel less angry or upset 使平静;抚慰

be glued to sth.: to give all your attention to something 全神贯注看着某物

gogglebox: <英口> 电视机

kick off: when a football game or a team, etc.kicks off, the game starts (指足球比赛等)开球,开始

booty: valuable things that are stolen, especially by soldiers in a time of war 战利品

be in the doghouse: if you are in the doghouse, somebody is annoyed with you because of something that you have done 受冷落;失体面;丢脸

on the go:活跃;忙个不停

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