10、2015年11月18日,江西省南昌西汉海昏侯墓主椁室发掘进入第五天,靠近主棺的位置发现一枚龙凤纹玉佩饰。这块玉佩饰质地和工艺都代表汉玉的最高水平,表明墓主人身份和地位的高贵。 郭晶 摄
Chinese archaeologists discover a large number of bronze, gold and jade items in an aristocrat's tomb that dates back to the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC - 24 AD). The tomb is thought to belong to Liu He, grandson of Emperor Wu. Liu was given the title "Haihunhou" after he was deposed as emperor after only 27 days. Haihun is the ancient name of a small kingdom in the north of Jiangxi. The exquisite jade pendant in the photo above found near the owner’s coffin represents the highest level in Han Dynasty.
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