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ATMs blown up to steal money

中国日报网 2015-01-12 15:12


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A man was recently detained in Longxi county of Gansu province on suspicion of blowing up an ATM to steal the cash. According to police, the man, surnamed Ye, reportedly told them that he learned how to make explosives and bought all the materials needed on the Internet. He also confessed to stealing the money from five other ATMs. Police found more than 60,000 yuan Ye had allegedly buried, and seized all the materials he had bought online.

How many ATMs did he blow up and how much money did the man steal in total?

A. He blew up 5 ATMs and stole 16,000 yuan.

B. He blew up 5 ATMs and stole 60,000 yuan.

C. He blew up 6 ATMs and stole 60,000 yuan.

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen 编辑)


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