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Girl's poem goes viral

中国日报网 2015-02-17 09:27


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A fifth grader's poem which gives mathematics all kinds of evil titles went viral on the Internet. In the 10-year-old's poem, the subject, math, is claimed to be a source of death which makes learners suffer pains from hell. The naughty girl is supposedly bad at the subject. Netizens joked that the girl might be the next Yu Xiuhua, a poet who recently shot to fame overnight. Some netizens left warnings for the young poet to study harder because mathematics will be tested on the college entrance examination.

Why did some Internet users suggest the young poet to study mathematics harder?

A. Because she might be the next poet

B. Because she may be bad at the subject

C. Because maths will be tested on the college entrance examination

(中国日报网英语点津 杜娟 编辑)




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