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中国日报网双语新闻微信 英语点津 2015-12-16 16:06




President Xi Jinping delivers a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Second World Internet Conference in Wuzhen township, East China's Zhejiang province, Dec 16, 2015. [Photo/Xinhua] 

Respect cyber sovereignty

We need to respect each country's right to choose their methods of cyber development, cyber administration and Internet public policy independently and to participate in the international cyber space management equally. We should never seek network hegemony, interfere in other nations' internal affairs and never engage, indulge or support cyber activities that harm other countries' national security.


Xi calls for all countries in the world to work together in preventing the use of cyberspace for criminal activities such as terrorism, pornography, drug trafficking, money laundering, and gambling.

Opening-up and cooperation in cyberspace

We should build more platforms for communication and cooperation, create more converging points of interests, growth areas for cooperation, as well as new highlights of win-win outcomes. We should complement each other with cyberspace advantages, enable more countries and people ride the highway of the information era and share benefits of the Internet development.

Cyber order

As a society, cyberspace needs both freedom and order. Freedom is the goal for order and order guarantees freedom. We not only respect the rights of Internet users to communicate and express their own ideas, but we want to construct a healthy cyber order governed by law, which benefits the legitimate rights and interest of all the Internet users.

A community of shared future in cyberspace

Cyberspace is the common space of activities for mankind. The future of cyberspace should be in the hands of all countries. Countries should start up communications, broaden consensus and deepen cooperation, to jointly build a community of shared future in cyberspace.

"Broadband China" strategy

China is now implementing the "Broadband China" strategy. It is estimated that by 2020 broadband in China will basically cover all the villages thanks to the strategy, and more people will have access to the Internet.

Online platform for cultural exchange

China is willing to build, through the Internet, a bridge of international cultural interaction for the world to learn more about China's fine culture, and vice versa, to promote the development of Internet culture that enriches people's minds and pushes forward civilization.

Innovative development of cyber economy

China is working on the "Internet Plus" Initiative to impel the construction of "digital China", boost economic sharing and support of multiple Internet-based innovations, and enhance development quality and efficiency.

Cyber security

China would like to cooperate with all other countries to strengthen exchanges and control divergences, so as to work out international cyberspace rules acceptable by all, formulate the cyberspace anti-terrorism treaty, improve the judicial system fighting against cybercrimes, and safeguard cyberspace peace and security.

Internet governance system

In order to make the global cyberspace governance system more reasonable and fair and to reflect wishes and interests of the majority of countries in a more balanced way, countries should strengthen communication, improve the negotiation and consultation mechanism and study to formulate the rules for global Internet governance.


Wuzhen's access to the Internet and smart technologies is a vivid portrayal of the integration between tradition and modernity, and culture and science. It is the epitome of the Internet's innovative development in China, and also reflects the concept of the Internet shared by all.

The cyberspace should not become a battlefield of countries to wrestling one another; it should neither become a hotbed for crime

Culture and civilization are enriched through exchange and mutual learning.

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