全国两会为什么重要?英国“科普小哥”上线 What is 'two sessions' and why it matters
中国日报网 2024-03-04 14:38

As national lawmakers and political advisers are gathering for the "two sessions," the global community has once again turned its attention to the annual political event in China. Alexander Long did his research to try to find out why the gathering is crucial to China and also impacts the world. Watch this video to see more.
一年一度的全国两会拉开帷幕。这是什么会?全国两会为什么重要?为什么吸引全球关注?中国日报英籍记者龙乐栎(Alexander Long)通过一番调研和学习,化身“科普小哥”,告诉大家:中国两会不仅对中国意义重大,对世界也有重要影响。