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中国日报网 2017-07-30 13:38


2017年7月30日上午9点,庆祝中国人民解放军建军90周年阅兵(military parade to mark the PLA's 90th anniversary)在位于内蒙古的朱日和训练基地举行。


7月30日上午9时,庆祝中国人民解放军建军90周年阅兵将在朱日和训练基地举行。这是受阅部队在进行准备。 新华社记者 吴晓凌 摄


朱日和训练基地(Zhurihe military training base)位于广袤的苏尼特草原,占地面积1000多平方公里,是亚洲最大的军事训练基地(the largest military training base in Asia),近年来多场重大军事演训活动和中外联合军演在这里举行。

这是新中国成立后我军首次以庆祝建军节为主题的盛大阅兵(the first time that China commemorates the Army Day, which falls on Aug. 1, with a military parade since the founding of New China in 1949),受阅官兵列阵沙场,以战斗姿态接受党和人民的检阅。






“同志们好!”(Salute to you, comrades!)

“主席好!”("Hail to you, chairman!")

“同志们辛苦了!”("Comrades, thanks for your hard work!")

“为人民服务!”("Serve the people!")


Follow the Party! Fight to win! Forge exemplary conduct!

随后进行的阅兵分列式中,有护旗方队(formation of flag guards)、纪念标识梯队(helicopter echelon of celebration marks)和9个作战群接受检阅。



由陆军(Army)、海军(Navy)、空军(Air Force)、火箭军(Rocket Force)4个军种官兵组成的护旗方队,护卫着中国共产党党旗、中华人民共和国国旗、中国人民解放军军旗。


7月30日,庆祝中国人民解放军建军90周年阅兵在位于内蒙古的朱日和训练基地举行。这是护旗方队。新华社记者 王晔 摄




7月30日,庆祝中国人民解放军建军90周年阅兵在位于内蒙古的朱日和训练基地举行。这是纪念标识梯队。新华社记者 查春明 摄




陆上作战群(land operations combat group)


空中突击梯队 air assault echelon


坦克方队 tank formation



步战车方队 infantry fighting vehicle formation



自行火炮方队 self - propelled gun formation



反坦克导弹方队 anti-tank missile formation



信息作战群(information operations combat group)


信息志愿方队 information support formation


电子侦察方队 electronic reconnaissance formation



电子对抗方队 electronic countermeasure formation



无人机方队 unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) formation



特种作战群(special operations combat group)


特种兵方队 special force formation


特战装备方队 Special warfare equipment formation



防空反导群(air and missile defense combat group)


预警雷达方队 early-warning radar formation



地空导弹方队 surface-to-air missile formation



弹炮系统方队 gun and missile system formation



海上作战群(naval operations combat group)


海军陆战队方队 marine corps formation



海军导弹第1方队 the first formation of navy missle


海军导弹第2方队 the second formation of navy missle




空中作战群(air operations combat group)


预警指挥机梯队 formation of airborne early warning and control (AEWC) aircraft
轰炸机梯队 bomber echelon


运输机梯队 transport aircraft echelon



加受油机梯队 refueling and receiver aircraft echelon



舰载机梯队 carrier-based aircraft echelon



歼击机梯队 fighter jet echelon





空降兵方队 airborne troops formation



综合保障群(comprehensive support combat group)


信息通信保障方队 Information and communication security formation



工程防化保障方队 engineering support formation



装备保障方队 equipment support formation



后勤保障方队 logistics support formation



反恐维稳群(counter-terrorism and stability maintenance combat group)


武警特警方队 formation of armed force and special force



战略打击群(strategic strikes combat group)


火箭军部队方队 formation of the Rocket Force



常规导弹第1方队 the first formation of conventional missile



常规导弹第2方队 the second formation of conventional missile



核导弹方队 nuclear missile formation



核常兼备导弹方队 nuclear and conventional missile formation


参加这次阅兵的受阅官兵1.2万人,来自陆军(the PLA Army)、海军(the PLA Navy)、空军(the PLA Air Force)、火箭军(the PLA Rocket Force)、战略支援部队(the PLA Strategic Support Force)、武警部队(the Armed Police Force)和联勤保障部队(the Joint Logistics Support Force)。阅兵展示现役主战武器装备信息化水平和新质战斗力,参阅装备类型多样,受阅地面装备600余台(套)(600 pieces of military hardware)、各型飞机100多架(more than 100 aircraft of various types),近一半为首次参阅(nearly half of the equipment displayed at the event was showcased for the first time at a parade)。


    Comrades, today, we are holding a grand military parade at the training base in celebration of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

    Nine decades ago, a gunshot heard from the city of Nanchang pronounced the birth of the new model of the people's army led by the Communist Party of China. In the past nine decades, the PLA has held high the banner of the Party, while rooted firmly on the ground of the nation. In carrying the aspirations of the Chinese people, they have fought bravely and shed blood, marched forward, triumphed over all enemies, tackled all difficulties in order to advance the dignity, prosperity and strength of the Chinese people.

    History has provided ample proof that the PLA is a heroic military force, loyal to the Party and loyal to the country. It is a military force that strives for the cause of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Our Party takes great pride in having such a heroic military force and all countrymen and women of all ethnicities in China take great pride in having such a heroic military force.

    Comrades, being able to enjoy peace is a blessing for the people and it is the responsibility of the PLA to protect it. The world is not entirely a peaceful one and peace needs to be safeguarded. Today, we are closer than any other period in history to the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. And we need, more than any period in history, to build a strong military. We must fully implement the strong military philosophy as set forth by the Party, walk unswervingly on the path of building with Chinese characteristics the strong military, and strive toward the Party's strong military goal under the new circumstances, and build our heroic military force into a world-class one.

    All comrades, commanders and soldiers of the PLA! You should unswervingly follow the absolute leadership of the Communist Party of China, listen to the directions set by the Party and follow its command. Wherever the Party points, you shall go to battle.

    All commanders and soldiers of the PLA! You should always follow the basic principle of serving the people whole-heartedly, forever standing with the people, keeping the people in your minds and hearts. And be an army of the people, and for the people.

    All commanders and soldiers of the PLA! You should see your capacity for combat as the sole standard for self-measurement, focus on combat readiness, and build yourself into an elite force that is ready for action and victory at all times.

    All commanders and soldiers of the PLA! You should carry out unswervingly the building of a solid political foundation of the military, military reforms, technological development, and law-based administration in order to comprehensively modernize our national defense and military.

    I firmly believe that our heroic military has both the confidence and capability to defeat all intruders, that our military has the confidence and capability to safeguard our national sovereignty, security and development interests, that our military has the confidence and capability to write a new chapter in the building of a strong military, and make new and greater contributions toward the realization of the Two Centenary Goals, the China Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and safeguarding world peace.





陆军、空军(Army and Air Force):

上将(General), 中将(Lieutenant General), 少将(Major General), 大校(Senior Colonel), 上校(Colonel),中校(Lieutenant Colonel), 少校(Major), 上尉(Captain), 中尉(Lieutenant), 少尉(Second Lieutenant)


上将(Admiral), 中将(Vice-Admiral), 少将(Rear Admiral), 大校(Senior Captain), 上校(Captain), 中校(Commander), 少校(Lieutenant Commander), 上尉(Lieutenant), 中尉(Lieutenant Junior Grade), 少尉(Ensign)




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