冬奥会获奖选手赛后拿到的为什么是吉祥物?而不是奖牌和鲜花? Winter Olympics 2018: Why are athletes being given a stuffed animal named Soohorang and not flowers or medals?
中国日报网 2018-02-18 14:21
2018年2月17日,冠军波兰选手施托赫(中)、亚军德国选手韦林格(左)与季军挪威选手约翰松在赛后的颁奖仪式上。当日,2018年平昌冬奥会跳台滑雪男子个人大跳台决赛在阿尔卑西亚跳台滑雪中心举行。新华社记者李钢摄 |
Eagle-eyed viewers watching the 2018 Winter Olympics have spotted that athletes are no longer being presented with flowers and medals after competing, but a little stuffed animal when they step onto the podium.
It’s left many asking what happened to the normal Olympic podium protocol, and why are athletes being given a small toy instead?
Firstly, the small toy is named Soohorang, a white tiger that represents the 2018 Olympic Games in Pyeongchang. The tiger is an important figure in Korean culture, long considered to be their guardian animal, and a regular tiger was used as the mascot of the 1988 Seoul Summer Olympics.
2016年7月18日,韩国平昌冬奥会吉祥物白老虎“Soohorang”、冬残奥会吉祥物亚洲黑熊“Bandabi”和嘉宾们在启动仪式上。当日,2018年平昌冬奥组委在平昌横溪小学举办吉祥物推广活动启动仪式。这是6月平昌冬奥会吉祥物公布以来首次与公众见面。新华社发(平昌冬奥组委供图) |
白老虎的名字“Soohorang”则由多个韩语含义相结合组成,其中“Sooho”是韩语词汇“守护”,意味着对运动员、观众以及所有奥运会参与者的保护;“Rang”则有两层含义,一是韩语词汇“ho-rang-i(老虎)”的中间字,同时也是主办城市平昌所在的江原道的传统民谣“Jeongseon Arirang(旌善阿里郎)”的最后一个字。
So why is this being given to athletes instead of flowers and medals?
At the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, the International Olympic Committee decided that giving athletes flowers on the podium was unsustainable, and decided to change the process to involve the awarding of a mascot or small trophy.
Successful athletes do still receive medals, just not at the initial ceremony after the event. Because the Winter Olympics involves far fewer categories than the Summer Olympics, the IOC is able to hold a ceremony at the end of each day to award all medals to athletes. This isn’t possible at the Summer Olympics as the ceremony would take too long to compete.
There’s also the chance for fans to receive their own Soohorang without having to compete for and win a gold medal, as the mascot is available to buy for £39.95 on Amazon.