中国日报网 2018-03-15 17:40

1. 恒大集团董事长:许家印

Chinese private companies need to make more effort to help with poverty alleviation in rural areas, as the country steps up its push for the ambitious plan to lift all citizens out of poverty by 2020, said Xu Jiayin, chairman of China's leading property developer Evergrande Group.
"The key to poverty alleviation is supporting rural industries, and relocating villages, as well as training migrant laborers. To implement these projects, we also need to know how to communicate with locals."
2. 格力电器董事长兼首席执行官:董明珠

Chinese home appliances maker Gree Electric Appliances will step up efforts to promote unmanned factories, in a push to upgrade manufacturing techniques with technology, said Dong Mingzhu.
"We have eight production bases in China, most of which are now unmanned factories. We will ramp up resources to develop more core technologies."
3. 腾讯控股董事长兼首席执行官:马化腾

Ma acknowledged blockchain as an innovative technology, but remained concerned about initial coin offerings (ICOs) and digital currencies, which he thinks have many risks, as reported by Beijing Morning Post.
"If everyone could make their own currency as they wanted by taking advantage of blockchain, this will spell serious trouble for regulators. For now, though it's very hot, we [Tencent] haven't participated, and haven't considered releasing our own currency."
4. 新东方教育科技集团首席执行官:俞敏洪

Yu is against young children being educated in a way that pushes them beyond what children at their age should learn. "Teaching a 6-year-old child something that should be learned at the age of 15" goes against the principles of human development, he said.
At the same time, he added that private educational institutions well supplement China's educational system, but it also is necessary to regulate the market.
5. 吉利控股集团董事长:李书福

Li said that methanol-fueled cars are one of the approaches to deal with energy and environmental challenges, according to weekly magazine Oriental Outlook, managed by Xinhua News Agency.
Methanol, as a fuel, has its advantages, such as convenient transportation and lower-cost supporting facilities. Li proposed pushing methanol-fueled cars into the market as soon as possible, supporting better related infrastructure and management, and adding methanol into transportation fuel system as a strategic alternative energy source.