chinadaily.com.cn 2018-08-27 11:01
You can’t teach a Sneech.
That’s what Theodor Geisel — author of many children’s books under the name Dr. Seuss — concluded in a biting commentary on human foolishness that’s as relevant for adults as for kids.
Two classes of Sneeches, lived on the beaches. One breed had belly stars and flaunted them with arrogant superiority. The others had no stars, and they envied their neighbors.
A crafty salesman brings a machine that can apply a star, for a price. Naturally, the plain-belly Sneeches pay to get them. But now the snooty neighbors are unhappy and want theirs removed. A wild melee ensues, with all the Sneeches trying to gain social advantage and frantically applying and removing stars. When the money runs out, nobody remembers who was who.
Unfortunately for me and anyone reading this, we’re part of a similar story. Throughout all recorded time, we’ve been clannish. We stick with those most like ourselves — our own race, class or political system — always fearful of “the other” and angling for advantage.
In our endless global power games, Sneechlike behavior abounds. To get what we want, we are even willing to organize ourselves in bands, unlike any other animal, for the purpose of exterminating members of our own species. We use our 50 or 100 years to scratch and claw for little bits of territory, or shiny metals, or influence on a planet that is infinitesimally small in an expanding universe that’s 92 billion light years across.
Making matters worse, that vast universe is indifferent to us. It doesn’t care if we destroy the planet or ourselves with pollution or war: Depending on which theory you like, it will roll on inexorably for many more billions of years. New life will arise, until it too becomes extinct, and the cycle repeats. If, as some physicists say, we live in a budding “multiverse”, ours will pass away and another will take its place in an endless parade — or, if you prefer, an eternal funeral wake.
Yet here we are, struggling for puny advantage against our fellowmen. The only response I can manage is befuddlement.
It was inevitable, then, that space would become militarized, because that is, after all, what humans do. If it wasn’t the United States, it would be someone else.
A bigger surprise would be if all nations worked together in harmony. Instead of being Chinese, or Americans, or Europeans, or whatever, laying claim to a tiny spot on a dust speck, we could identify ourselves as inhabitants of Earth and channel our energies. This utopian vision has been explored in literature and film. But nothing ever comes of it.
Not known for his vision, US President Donald Trump certainly doesn’t see that. He is a grasper. His character is revealed by his tweets. “Space Force all the way!” he tweeted about a plan by the United States to put weapons in orbit — and, one imagines, later on the moon and Mars. The sky is no longer the limit.
In truth, other nations and their leaders are graspers, too, at one level or another. The rhetoric of peace often masks underlying acquisitiveness and a drive for power. Turf means everything.
I see no way out of this perplexing dilemma. Human convergence is theoretically possible but profoundly unlikely.
What is more likely is something like sci-fi writer Ben Bova’s Moonwar, in which a lunar colony is jeopardized by political forces that seek to control or destroy it; or the fulfillment of the Biblical prophet Joel, who predicted ominously: “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood”. Space war, anyone?
Which brings me to a happier moon story. It was night in Beijing, and the full moon was high in the sky. I knew it must be setting in the western US, so I quickly called my elderly parents and asked them to go outside. Could they see it going down? They did, and for a few minutes our eyes seemed to meet on the same moon, at the same moment, as we talked on the phone half a world apart.
Can nations ever stand as one on the same planet and share the same vision? Can mankind really be reborn? Count me among the skeptics. As Shakespeare said through Cassius: “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.”
英文来源:“CHINA DAILY”微信公众号
编审:丹妮 董静
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About the author & broadcaster
Randy Wright joined China Daily as an editor in 2013. His career spans 36 years and 10 newspapers in the United States in senior management, editorial writing and reporting roles. He served as adjunct faculty at the University of Arizona and has consulted for many publications, including the California Bar Journal for lawyers and judges. He is a licensed pilot in the US.