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每日新闻播报(October 30)

chinadaily.com.cn 2018-10-30 16:35


>Marriage attitudes change
A survey by China Youth Daily showed that about half of the respondents could accept a "bare-bones marriage," or getting married without any major assets or a grand wedding ceremony. Among the 2,004 respondents, 64.5% regarded a "bare-bones marriage" as getting married without an apartment, 56.4% without a wedding ceremony, and 54.2% without a car. The survey revealed that 48.3% of the respondents said they could accept a "bare-bones marriage," 20.5% opposed it, and 92.8% had relatives or friends who had a "bare-bones marriage." Some 63.5% of those surveyed attributed a "bare-bones marriage" to saving money, 58.8% to poor financial conditions, and 51.7% thought the couples prefer to go on trips or shopping rather than spend money on an expensive wedding ceremony.
《中国青年报》的一项调查显示,约半数受访者能接受"裸婚",即没有大件资产或不办盛大婚礼就结婚。在2004名受访者中,64.5%的人认为"裸婚"是没房就结婚, 56.4%的人认为是结婚不举办婚礼仪式,54.2%的人认为是结婚没有车。调查显示,48.3%的受访者表示可以接受"裸婚",20.5%的受访者不能接受,92.8%受访者表示身边有"裸婚"的亲友。关于"裸婚"的原因,约63.5%的受访者认为是为了节省开支,58.8%的受访者认为是财力不济,51.7%的受访者认为是情侣更希望把钱花在旅游或购物而不是昂贵的结婚仪式上。


A still from the American film "Titanic"

>Titanic replica to set sail
Titanic II, a full-size replica of the ill-fated RMS Titanic, is aiming to make its maiden voyage in 2022. Allegedly the new ship will be an identical copy of the liner, which sank in 1912 following a collision with an iceberg on its virgin journey from Southampton to New York. To avoid a repeat disaster, Titanic II will be outfitted with plenty of life boats - and will have a welded, not riveted hull - plus modern navigation and radar equipment. Blue Star Line says the nine-decked ship will be home to 835 cabins, set to accommodate 2,435 passengers. You'll be able to buy first-, second- and third-class tickets - just like in the original. It'll also be outfitted exactly like the original Titanic - including the grand staircase that plays a memorable role in James Cameron's movie. The maiden voyage, however, will take passengers from Dubai to New York.


This handout portrait picture taken by US photographer Annie Liebovitz shows Queen Elizabeth II (C) posing on the steps of the east terrace with four of her dogs (top L-R) Willow, Vulcan, (bottom L-R) Holly and Candy in the garden of Windsor Castle in Windsor.[Photo/VCG]

>Queen's last corgi dies
The queen's only remaining corgi has died, just six months after the death of her famous corgi Willow. The dog, Whisper, was not a descendant of the queen's original corgi, but rather the pet of a former gamekeeper, Bill Fenwick. The monarch inherited Whisper in 2016 after Fenwick died. His late wife, Nancy, used to care for the queen's many dogs when she was away from the Palace, so the queen returned the favor and took in Whisper as her royal companion. It is not yet known what the cause of death was but he reportedly passed away at Windsor Castle after being ill for several weeks. The Queen still has two dogs, Candy and Vulcan, dachshund and corgi crosses.


Jack Ma speaks at the 2018 Alibaba Investor Day in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province on Sept 18, 2018. E-commerce giant Alibaba's founder Jack Ma topped the 2018 Hurun China Rich List. [Photo/VCG]

>China has more new rich
The rich are getting richer and more numerous. The world added 332 billionaires last year, with their cumulative wealth increasing 19% to a record $8.9 trillion, according to an annual survey from UBS and PwC. What's behind this phenomenon? Explosive wealth creation in China. In 2006, there were just 16 Chinese billionaires. But in 2017, the tally hit 373 - one-fifth of the global total. The US still leads regionally, with 585 billionaires, but wealth creation in the region is slowing. The US created 53 billionaires in 2017, compared with 87 in 2012. In China, 106 people became billionaires in 2017. That comes out to roughly one new billionaire every three days.

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