CHINADAILY手机报 2018-11-10 08:30
一周新闻热词榜,一网打尽trending news。
1. 中国国际进口博览会
China International Import Expo, CIIE
中国国际进口博览会(China International Import Expo, CIIE)作为世界上第一个以进口为主题的国家级展会(the world's first import expo held at the national level),包括展会(exhibition)和论坛(forum)两个部分。展会即国家贸易投资综合展(exhibition of countries,简称国家展)和企业商业展(exhibition of businesses,简称企业展),论坛即虹桥国际经贸论坛(Hongqiao International Economic and Trade Forum)。
本届进口博览会以"新时代,共享未来(New Era, Shared Future)"为主题。共有172个国家、地区和国际组织参会,3600多家企业参展,展览总面积达30万平方米(with a total exhibition area of 300,000 square meters),超过40万名境内外采购商到会洽谈采购。
The China International Import Expo is a "trail-blazing" move in the history of international trade development. The CIIE is the first-ever import-themed national-level expo.
All countries should be committed to opening-up and oppose protectionism and unilateralism in a clear-cut stand.
All countries should stick to innovation and accelerate the transition with traditional growth drivers being replaced by new ones.
All countries should uphold the principle of inclusive development and shared benefits, in order to realize common development.
China will not close its door to the world and will only become more and more open.
(1) Imports
China's initiative to expand imports is not a makeshift, but long-term consideration of embracing the world and future while promoting common development.
(2) Market access
China's imported goods and services are estimated to exceed $30 trillion and $10 trillion, respectively, in the next 15 years.
Measures announced in April to relax market access have been so far implemented. China has further simplified negative list of foreign investment, reduced investment limits and lifted the level of free investment.
China is taking solid steps to expand financial opening-up, continue to advance opening-up in the service sector, deepen opening-up in agriculture, mining, manufacturing, and accelerate the opening-up process of sectors including telecommunications, education, medical treatment and culture.
(3) Business environment
Every country should strive to improve their own business environment and solve their own problems.
(4) Free trade port
China will speed up the exploration of the building of free trade ports with Chinese characteristics.
(5) Multilateral, bilateral cooperation
China will push forward multilateral and bilateral cooperation in pursuit of development.
A fully optimistic attitude can be held toward the prospects of China's economic development.
The fundamentals for sound and stable economic growth remain unchanged, the necessary production factors for high-quality development remain unchanged, and the overall momentum of long-term economic stability and progress also remains unchanged.
China will give better play to the important role of Shanghai and other regions in opening up.
The country will expand the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone to include a new section, and will encourage and support bold and creative steps by Shanghai to advance investment and trade liberalization and facilitation so that more of its successful practices may be replicated in other parts of China.
China has decided to launch a science and technology innovation board at the Shanghai Stock Exchange and experiment with a registration system for listed companies. China will support Shanghai in cementing its position as an international financial center and a hub of science and innovation, and steadily improving the fundamental institutions of its capital market.
The country will also support integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta region, and make it a national strategy.
2. 世界互联网大会
World Internet Conference
The fifth World Internet Conference kicks off in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province on Wednesday. Fifteen cutting-edge technologies achievements were released at the conference.
第五届世界互联网大会以"创造互信共治的数字世界——携手共建网络空间命运共同体"(Creating a Digital World for Mutual Trust and Collective Governance - Towards a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace)为主题,围绕多个议题开展丰富多样的活动和论坛(host diversified activities and forums on various topics)。
大会共设置19场分论坛,热点议题包括:金融科技与信用社会建设(FinTech and Construction of a Social Credit System);大数据时代的个人信息保护(Protection of Personal Information in the Age of Big Data);工业互联网的创新与突破(Innovation & Breakthroughs in Industrial Internet);网络反恐国际合作(International Cooperation in Countering Cyber-terrorism);物联网:连接无处不在(The Internet of Things: Towards a Connected World);人工智能:融合发展新机遇(AI: New Opportunity for Integration and Development)等。
大会发布了"世界互联网领先科技成果"。据了解,此前,世界互联网领先科技成果推荐委员会已面向全球征集互联网领先科技成果400余项(more than 400 leading internet scientific and technological achievements),涵盖了互联网的基础理论(fundamental theory)、技术创新(technological innovation)、产品加工与装配(product process and assembly)、商业模式(business model)和综合五大类。最终,以下15项互联网科技成果从全球征集的数百项成果中脱颖而出:
(1) 微信小程序商业模式创新
WeChat mini-program business model innovation
(2) 华为昇腾310芯片
Ascend 310, a program AI processor developed by Huawei
(3) 蚂蚁金服自主可控的金融级商用区块链平台
Proprietary financial-grade blockchain platform of Ant Financial
(4) 破解信息孤岛的接口高效互操作技术与燕云DaaS系统
Highly efficient Interoperability technology for opening information islands and YanCloud DaaS system
(5) 亚马逊全托管平台
Amazon SageMaker
(6) 360安全大脑-分布式智能网络安全防御系统
360 brain of security-distributed intelligent cybersecurity protection system
(7) 京东智能供应链技术服务平台
Smart supply chain technology service platform developed by JD
(8) 百度Apollo自动驾驶开放平台
Baidu's Apollo autonomous driving platform
(9) 安谋中国全新人工智能平台周易
Arm China AI platform Zhouyi
(10) 特斯拉智能售后服务
Tesla smart post-sales service
(11) SupET工业互联网平台
SupET industrial internet platform
(12) 全球首款全集成5G新空口毫米波及6GHz以下射频模组
5G NR millimeter wave&sub-6 GHz RF modules
(13) CPU硬件安全动态监测管控技术
Dynamic check and control technology for CPU hardware security
(14) AzureSphere-基于微控制器的物联网安全解决方案
AzureSphere – A security solution of IoT based on MCU
(15) 小米面向智能家居的人工智能开放平台
Xiaomi's AI open platform for smart homes
3. 中期选举
mid-term elections
US Democrats have taken control of the House of Representatives in the mid-term elections on Tuesday, dealing a serious blow to Donald Trump though the president and his fellow Republicans expanded their majority in the Senate.
美国2018年中期选举(mid-term elections)于当地时间6日举行,两党各有所得。民主党8年来首次逆袭、夺下国会众议院控制权,共和党则成功保住并扩大了在参议院的多数地位(beef up/expand its Senate majority)。这意味着总统特朗普将在未来两年面临一个"分裂的国会(divided Congress)",施政措施面临掣肘。本次中期选举是特朗普当选总统以来的首次国会中期选举,被视为对这位风评两极分化的总统的一场全民公投(referendum)。
改选后的众议院将有权对特朗普的纳税申报(tax returns)、可能出现的商业利益冲突(possible business conflicts of interest)、以及2016年竞选"通俄门"事件(allegations involving his 2016 campaign's links to Russia)展开调查。民主党还可能迫使特朗普把立法方面的雄心降级(force Trump to scale back his legislative ambitions),比如,可能打破他要为修建美墨边境墙(border wall)争取资金的承诺,阻碍第二个重大减税法案(tax-cut package)的通过,以及阻挠其实施强硬的贸易政策(hardline policies on trade)。如果有证据证明特朗普阻碍了司法公正或是他2016年的大选确有通俄行为(if evidence surfaces that Trump obstructed justice or that his 2016 campaign colluded with Russia),那么掌控众议院多数席位的局面就足以令民主党发起对特朗普的弹劾(impeachment)。
美国这次中期选举创下多项历史纪录,其中女性力量的崛起令人瞩目:首度有两位女性印第安原住民(native American)及两位女性穆斯林当选众议员,马萨诸塞州首度选出非裔女性众议员,纽约地区选出美国历史上最年轻的国会女议员……据《纽约时报》报道,全美范围内,117名女性在选举中获胜,这一数字创下历史新高。科罗拉多州民主党众议员贾里德·波利斯在中期选举中胜选,成为国会首个公开同性恋身份的州长(first openly gay governor)。在这场中期选举中,民主、共和两党在选举造势上投入逾52亿美元,成为美国历史上最烧钱的一场国会选举(Congress election)。
候选人 candidate
胜选演讲 victory speech
跛脚鸭政府 lame duck government
竞选活动 election campaign
选民登记 registration of voters
4. 新职业人群
new occupation population
According to a report, the academic background of the new occupation population is considerably high due to the requirements of the service industries, with more than 60% of those in new types of occupation having a junior college degree or above.
"新职业(new occupations)"是指经济社会发展中已经存在一定规模的从业人员,具有相对独立成熟的职业技能,在《中华人民共和国职业分类大典》中未收录的职业。作为一个新兴群体,新职业人群(new occupation population)工作、生活在全国各大城市,从事着符合当前社会发展趋势的、在近几年涌现的新型生活服务类职业。
近日,在线招聘平台(online recruiting platform)智联招聘和订餐企业(meal-ordering company)美团点评联合发布了《2018年新职业人群工作生活现状调研报告》。这份报告涵盖了新兴职业从业者的收入、工作偏好等相关信息。
报告显示,新职业人群的学历背景普遍较高。其中,拥有大专及以上学历(have a junior college degree or above)的占比达60.27%;拥有大学本科以上学历(have a bachelor degree or above)的占比为31.22%,仅有11.76%文化程度在初中以下。在所有调研的新职业范畴中,以拥有本科以上文凭的比例为基准线,位列头筹的新职业分别是:早教师(early childhood educator)、密室游戏指导员(room escape game instructor)、健身教练(fitness coach)。
报告还显示,新职业人群是市场需求量较大的群体,收入呈现出稳步上涨的态势,并且已经超越了普通白领收入水平。新职业人群月收入高于5000元的已过半数,达到52.84%;月收入在8000元以上的达34.56%,而月收入在3000元以下的仅占9.6%。位居薪资收入前三名的新职业分别是:宠物医生(veterinarian)、健身教练(fitness coach)、调酒师(bartender)。其中,宠物医生平均月收入最高,有28.57%的宠物医生月收入在2万元以上。
在职业稳定性方面,新职业人群也刷新了人们的认知。报告显示,34.45%的新职业人群入职以来从未跳过槽;平均跳槽频率在3年以上才会跳一次的,占比达62.06%。部分原因在于,在经济转型升级(economic restructuring and upgrading)的大背景下,新职业的出现与科技进步紧密相关。大量的高技能人才(highly skilled personnel)投身于新职业,在一定程度上提高了新职业人群的社会地位和身份认同感,因此新职业人群的工作"忠诚度"较高。
私人旅行定制师 personal travel designer
度假房产咨询师 vacation home consultant
电竞游戏指导 e-game coach
运动治疗师 exercise therapist
时尚买手 fashion buyer
共享单车运维员 shared bike maintenance personnel
网络营销专员 internet marketing specialist
5. 年度词汇
word of the year
Widespread concern about environmental degradation caused by discarded plastics has led Britain's Collins Dictionary to name "single-use" as its English-language word of the year for 2018.
柯林斯词典7日公布2018年年度词汇(word of the year):single-use。柯林斯表示,single-use是描述用完即丢的一次性用品(one-use-only item)的形容词。随着污染问题成为全球政治议题(political agenda),自2013年以来,single-use一词的使用频率已增加4倍。通常由塑料制成的一次性用品无节制的泛滥(unchecked proliferation)被认为导致环境破坏(damage the environment)、影响食物链(food chain)。
柯林斯词典拥有规模达45亿单词的语料库(word corpus),词典编撰人员(lexicographer)监控这些单词在书籍、报纸和广播电视等媒介上的使用情况后选出10个年度词汇候选词(nominated words)。柯林斯称,每个候选词都"反映出不断发展的文化及其使用者关注的事物(reflect an ever-evolving culture and the preoccupations of those who use it)"。进入候选名单的环境相关词汇还有vegan(素食主义者)和发源于瑞典的边慢跑边捡垃圾的健身活动plogging(跑步捡垃圾),彰显出环保问题的受关注度。
英国脱欧将两个新词送上今年的候选名单:backstop和gammon。Backstop(后备方案)指在没有其他安排的情况下将会生效的体制,英国和欧盟未能达成"分手协议"的情况下的B计划(Plan B that would result if the UK and EU fail to reach a divorce deal)。Gammon原指腌猪腿,现在则成了对支持英国脱欧者的贬义称呼(derogatory term for pro-Brexit supporters),这些人通常是中年白人男性。此外,gaslight(煤气灯操纵,即通过不断向他人灌输错误的信息、直到对方开始怀疑自己的心智健康状态来试图操纵对方)、whitewash(洗白,即由白人演员饰演少数族裔角色)、MeToo("我也是"运动)和floss(牙线舞)也入围候选名单。
柯林斯的语言内容负责人纽斯特德表示,今年,公众对多个问题的的认知使新词涌现,也让旧词重新流行、衍生新义(the rise of new words and the revitalization and adaptation of old ones)。他说,今年的候选名单也凸显出一个两极化的世界(highlight a world at extremes):一端是严肃的社会和政治关切(serious social and political concerns),另一端则是更轻松有趣的活动(more light-hearted activities)。年度词汇是过去一年热门话题或事件的缩影。2017年,柯林斯评选出的年度词汇是fake news(假新闻),2016年为Brexit(英国脱欧)。
流行词汇 buzzword
生造词 coinage
抛弃型社会 throw-away society
一次性筷子 disposable chopsticks
白色污染 white/plastic pollution
(编辑:彭娜 刘明 丁一)
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