这句话直译成汉语的意思是 “像帽匠一样疯狂”,在口语中被用来形容人 “性格古怪”。据说,人们之所以用 “hatter 做帽子的人” 比喻人 “精神不正常、愚蠢”,是因为在过去,很多帽匠因长期暴露在做帽子必需的重金属材料周围而不幸中毒。人们常用 “as mad as a hatter” 来友好地形容人 “疯疯颠颠” 的样子。
My sister is always doing strange things! She’s as mad as a hatter!
I spoke to my grandfather for ten minutes but I didn’t really understand what he was saying. He’s as mad as a hatter!
He wants to build a plastic car and drive around the world! Talk about being as mad as a hatter!