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每日新闻播报(April 10)

chinadaily.com.cn 2019-04-10 13:50

Prince Harry and Megan Markle leave Canada House on Commonwealth Day.[Photo/IC]

>Meghan won't pose with baby


Meghan Markle is not planning to pose with her newborn baby on the hospital steps like the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton and Princess Diana, according to The Sun.

It revealed that the Duchess of Sussex is expected to break a four-decade royal tradition.

Royal Correspondent Emily Andrews reported that the mum-to-be wants a more private birth and to bond with her baby without the pressure of looking picture perfect.

American commentator Omid Scobie added that the photo-call would go against Meghan's "feminist" beliefs.

Meghan is not expected to give birth at the luxury hospital wing where Kate and Princess Diana had their children. Instead, Harry and Meghan have opted for a private hospital closer to their Windsor home.


Manneken Pis statue [Photo/IC]

>Pis to no longer waste water


A famous statue of a boy peeing into a fountain in Brussels has finally become environmentally friendly after centuries of pouring clean water down the drain.

The Manneken Pis, one of the Belgian capital's most popular tourist attractions, has been weeing fresh water into the city's sewers since the 17th century.

As much as 1,000 to 2,500 liters of drinking water a day - enough for around 10 households - has been wasted by the "peeing boy" statue, an expert has claimed.

Energy technician, Regis Callens, spotted the potential waste after installing a water meter in the small bronze monument.

If this calculation is correct then the statue has wasted more than 250 million liters of water over the last 400 years.

As a result of this discovery a new system for delivering the water back to the playful 21 ins (55cm) youngster was devised. Now the Manneken Pis will no longer pass clean fresh drinking water, but instead use water recycled from a closed circuit.


US President Donald Trump speaks to reporters as Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen (L) looks on in the Rose Garden after the president met with US Congressional leaders about the government shutdown and border security at the White House in Washington, US, Jan 4, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]

>DHS Secretary Nielsen quits


US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen will be leaving her position, President Donald Trump said on Twitter on Sunday. The president said Kevin McAleenan, the current US Customs and Border Protection commissioner, would become the acting DHS secretary.

Nielsen did not resign willingly, a person close to her told CNN, but was under pressure to do so. Nielsen did not fight to keep her job, the source said.

Trump has vented privately that Nielsen hasn't adequately secured the border or enacted stricter immigration rules, and Nielsen had grown increasingly frustrated by what she saw as a lack of support from other departments, according to people familiar with details of her resignation.


An emperor penguin family in Antarctica. [Photo/IC]

>Antarctica could go green


Man-made climate change could turn Antarctica green, with plants colonizing the land as ice sheets shrink, scientists said.

Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere reached 400 parts per million (ppm) on average in 2015 for the first time since records began, World Meteorological Organization figures show.

Experts believe clues about the future of the planet can be gleaned from the Pliocene period three million years ago, the last time carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were as high as they are today.

Professor Dame Jane Francis, director of the British Antarctic Survey, said remnants of the forests of Antarctica have been found, which are probably dated to the Pliocene age.

"The really important significance of this is that we've got 400 ppm now, and if we had 400 ppm in the past, this is maybe where we are going back to," she said. "Which is the ice sheets are going to shrink at times, not all the time but at times... which may allow plants to colonize in Antarctic land again."


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