Coronavirus – help on two wheels 为抗击新冠肺炎出力 骑摩托车送爱心
有关 “isolation(隔离)” 的词汇
How many people have volunteered to join Bodmin Bikers so far?
Travelling on Cornwall’s now empty roads (in the UK), these bikers are on a mission.
Kye Smith, Bodmin Bikers
I’m Kye. I work in the emergency services and I formed Bodmin Bikers. Bodmin Bikers is a delivery team for medication from doctors’ surgeries to pharmacies. We’re also a food delivery, so if you need your essentials… bread, milk.
凯·史密斯 “博德明骑手”(Bodmin Bikers)
“我是凯。我在紧急救援机构工作,我组建了 ‘博德明骑手’(Bodmin Bikers)。‘博德明骑手’ 是一支药物递送团队,可以把药物送到社区诊所和药房等地。我们也送食物,所以如果你需要必需品(我们也可以送),比如面包、牛奶。”
The group don’t charge for delivery and was set up to help vulnerable people stuck at home unable to get essentials.
Jason Martin
We’ve been trying to self-isolate as much as possible and go out as little as possible. And Sarah, my partner, she suffers quite badly with asthma as well. So, as a family, we’ve just, yes, tried to keep ourselves to ourselves as much as possible, and these gentlemen make it so much easier.
Since starting, just a couple of weeks ago, eighteen people have now volunteered, including a chef, plumber and supermarket worker.
Brandon Lee, Bodmin Bikers
I’m Brandon, AKA Spider-Man, part of Bodmin Bikers. People see us riding around, they wave at us. It was really nice to see. You know, to go out, make people happy, make them laugh. And I just thought, you know, give people a bit of happiness while we’re in this pandemic at the moment.
布兰登·李 “博德明骑手”(Bodmin Bikers)
“我是布兰登,人称 ‘蜘蛛侠’,‘博德明骑手’ 的一员。人们看到我们骑着摩托车,就向我们招手。看到这样的情景真让人高兴。我们走出去,让人们开心,让人们开怀大笑。我就是觉得,在疫情当下,这样做能给人们带来一丝欢乐。”
The gang are a mix of ages, including one who has only just got his bike licence.
Even though they didn’t know each other until recently, it seems they’ll be riding together long after the lockdown.
Dan Isted, Bodmin Bikers
After this is all over, I think we are all going to go out on a ride out. I think we are one big family and we’ll stick together, definitely.
丹·伊斯泰德 “博德明骑手”(Bodmin Bikers)
stuck at home 被困家中
self-isolate 自我隔离
keep ourselves to ourselves 避免与他人接触,不与人来往
lockdown 紧急时期的封锁
stick together 团结一心,相互支持
Eighteen people have now volunteered.