献礼建党百年巨制《1921》《革命者》7月1日上映 Upcoming films celebrate CPC centenary
中国日报网 2021-07-01 08:00
This Thursday, marking the 100th birthday of CPC, filmgoers will have the opportunity to see two productions, both center around the early years of the Communist Party of China.
The film 1921 brings together many of China's best-known actors. It focuses on the historical period before and after 1921, reconstructing an epoch-making moment one hundred years ago – hot-blooded young people with an average age of 28 gathered from all over the world, overcoming many obstacles just to hold the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai.
On April 26, 1927, there were only 38 hours to go before Li Dazhao, one of the founding fathers of the CPC, would be hanged. At this time, all the forces of the Communist Party of China were still organizing a rescue operation for him. The enemy tried their best to torture Li for information, but still made no headway.
This film focuses on Li Dazhao's memories throughout his life, showing the selfless spirit of struggle in Chinese communists.