酒后不能开车 但是“酒后余糟”却能给车加油 Make mine a litre: How whisky waste can power your car
中国日报网 2021-10-22 15:10
A Scottish biotech company has found a way of turning on its head the adage that drinking and driving should never mix – by developing a fuel for cars that uses the by-products of whisky-making.
Scotland's national tipple comprises barley, yeast and water, and the manufacturing process leaves behind spent grains, known as draff, and a sugary liquid called pot ale.
This waste is often used as an animal feed or even pumped into the sea, but it can also be converted to produce acetone, butanol and ethanol - chemicals used in everything from fuel and food production to medicine and cosmetics.
"We can take residues from industries such as the whisky industry and convert them into high-value products, namely butanol, which is actually being used to power this car," company owner Martin Tangney said.
"We bring sustainability to an iconic industry."
The company's demonstration plant in Grangemouth can produce 1 million litres of sustainable biochemicals from 50,000 tons of draff and pot ale and other raw materials.
It plans to build five large-scale refineries worldwide in the next five years, and is calling for backing from governments and other investors.