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中国日报网 2022-01-21 11:10




1. 2021年中国GDP增长8.1%
2. LPR'双降'传递稳增长信号
3. 卫健委:多重因素致出生人口下降
4. 境外输入'物传人'成风险疑点
5. 我国向汤加提供现汇和物资援助

1. 国内生产总值
gross domestic product (GDP)

The country's gross domestic product (GDP) expanded 8.1% year on year to 114 trillion yuan last year, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said.

国家统计局局长宁吉喆表示,2021年,最终消费支出(final consumption)对经济增长的贡献率为65.4% (contribute 65.4% to the GDP expansion),货物和服务净出口(net exports)为20.9%。

中国经济增速在全球主要经济体中名列前茅(China's growth among the fastest in major economies in the world)。经济总量占全球经济比重预计超18%(account for more than 18% of the global total),对世界经济增长的贡献率预计将达到25%左右(contribute to some 25% of global GDP growth)。

2021年,城镇新增就业增加和调查失业率稳定,全年全国城镇调查失业率(surveyed urban unemployment rate)平均值为5.1%,低于5.5%左右的预期目标。2021年我国人均GDP (per capita GDP of China)超过8万元人民币,按年均汇率折算为12551美元,已经超过了世界人均GDP水平(exceed the global average)。

国家统计局表示,总的来看,2021年我国经济持续稳定恢复(China's economy has continued stable recovery),经济发展和疫情防控保持全球领先地位(lead the world in both economic development and epidemic control),但同时也要看到,外部环境更趋复杂严峻和不确定,国内经济面临需求收缩、供给冲击、预期转弱三重压力(the triple pressure of demand contraction, supply shocks and weakening expectations)。

全球主要经济体major economies in the world
疫情防控epidemic control
城镇调查失业率the surveyed urban unemployment rate
供给侧结构性改革 supply-side structural reform

2. 贷款市场报价利率
loan prime rate(LPR)

The one-year loan prime rate (LPR) came in at 3.7% Thursday, down from 3.8% a month earlier, according to the National Interbank Funding Center. The over-five-year LPR was lowered by 5 basis points to 4.6%.

LPR即贷款市场报价利率(loan prime rate)。中国人民银行副行长刘国强曾表示,金融机构为企业发放的流动性贷款,就是参考的1年期LPR;发放中长期贷款(medium and long-term loans),比如制造业中长期贷款、固定资产投资(fixed-asset investment)贷款、个人住房贷款等中长期贷款,则参考5年期LPR。

此前,1年期LPR利率曾在2021年12月20日下调。对此,中国民生银行首席研究员温彬认为,在一个月的时间里,连续两次累计下调15BP,货币政策逆周期调控力度加大,体现了宏观政策前置发力,有助于稳定市场预期(stabilize market expectations)、增强市场主体信心(the confidence of market entities),鼓励企业增加中长期投资,对于当前扩内需(expand domestic demand)、稳外需(stabilize external demands)以及房地产市场平稳运行(ensure stable development of the property sector)将产生积极效果。

市场主体 market entities
市场预期 market expectations
宏观经济政策 macro-economic policy
货币政策 monetary policy
存贷款基准利率 benchmark deposit and lending rate

3. 人口出生率下降
declining birthrate

China's declining birthrate in recent years has been driven by a decreasing number of women of childbearing age, changes in young people's attitudes toward marriage and fertility, and rising child care costs, health officials said on Thursday.

国家统计局1月17日公布,经初步核算,2021年我国出生人口1062万人(about 10.62 million babies were born in China last year)。这一数字低于2020年的1200万人和2019年的1465万人。数据显示,2016年我国出生人口达到了1883万的小高峰,此后持续回落。而2021年末全国人口比上年末仅增长48万人(a net population growth of 480,000)。

1月20日,国家卫生健康委人口家庭司副司长杨金瑞在新闻发布会上介绍,“十三五”时期20-34岁生育旺盛期妇女(women in their reproductive prime)年均减少340万,2021年相比2020年减少了473万。这是带动出生人口数量下降的重要因素(a major factor contributing to the falling birthrate)。此外,年轻人婚姻推迟,生育意愿持续走低,进一步抑制了生育水平(delayed marriage among young adults and a lack of willingness to have babies have exacerbated the trend)。

人口数据 demographic data
育龄妇女 women of childbearing age
三孩政策 three-child policy
婚育观念 attitudes toward marriage and fertility
育儿成本 child care costs

4. 境外输入'物传人'
get infected after touching items from overseas

The first individuals in Beijing and Shenzhen infected with the Omicron variant of COVID-19 both had contact with parcels from North America, health authorities from the two cities said on Monday.

北京、深圳两地均在疫情防控发布会报告称,当地新冠确诊病例不排除经境外物品(items from overseas)而感染病毒的可能。其中深圳确诊病例感染病毒的基因测序(gene sequencing)与境外病毒100%同源。北京确诊病例感染的病毒与2021年12月北美和新加坡等地分离的部分毒株相似度较高(is highly similar to the variant strains detected in North America and Singapore)。

国家邮政局16日宣布,将加强防控措施,防止病毒通过国际邮件输入(it will strengthen prevention and control measures to avoid the entry of the virus via international mail)。收到境外快递怎样消毒?专家建议:收到境外邮件时,要佩戴口罩和一次性手套(wear a mask and disposable gloves when receiving your packages);拆件时在户外进行,外包装立即处理掉(open all packages outside and dispose of the boxes immediately);用含氯消毒剂或75%酒精对内外包装进行全面消毒(disinfect the inner and outer packaging with chlorine-containing disinfectants or 75% alcohol);处理完邮件后,切记要洗手(be sure to wash your hands after handling your packages)。

流行病学调查 epidemiological investigation
基因测序 gene sequencing
闭环管理 closed-loop management
隔离酒店 quarantine hotel
动态清零 dynamic zero-COVID-19 strategy
核酸检测 nucleic acid test

5. 现汇和物资援助
cash assistance and emergency supplies

Tonga has been battered by the worst natural disasters in history resulting from a massive volcano eruption which occurred on Saturday and its ensuing tsunami and volcanic ash. Aid from China, which included cash assistance and emergency supplies, has arrived in Tonga to help the South Pacific island country out of crisis.

在1月20日举行的外交部例行记者会上,发言人赵立坚应询介绍了中方向汤加提供救灾援助的具体情况。赵立坚说,中方一直高度关注汤加受灾情况,已经紧急行动起来,尽己所能帮助汤加救灾(the Chinese side pays close attention to the situation in Tonga, and has taken urgent action to help Tonga in disaster relief to the best of its ability)。

中国红十字会(the Red Cross Society of China)已向汤加提供10万美元紧急人道主义现汇援助(provide emergency humanitarian cash assistance of 100,000 US dollars to Tonga)。中国政府通过驻汤加使馆以最快速度筹措了一批价值28万元人民币的饮用水、食品等应急物资(manage to put together in the shortest time possible some emergency supplies including drinking water and food),于19日交付汤加(deliver them to Tonga)。

据介绍,中国政府将应汤方请求援助一批饮用水、食品、个人防护用品、救灾设备等应急物资(emergency supplies including fresh drinking water, food, and protective equipment as well as rescue devices),待机场恢复运转、飞行条件允许后(once the airport resumes operation and flying conditions permit),将尽快运抵。

据了解,汤加政府全力救灾,电力、通讯、航路正逐步恢复。截至目前,在汤中国公民、企业均平安,暂未接到人员伤亡的报告。中国驻汤加使馆(the Chinese embassy in Tonga)正常运转,将继续为有需要的中国公民提供领事保护服务(provide timely consular protection and assistance to those in need)。

火山爆发 volcanic eruptions
慰问电 message of sympathy
通信中断 communication interruption
灾后重建 post-disaster rebuilding
人道主义援助 humanitarian aid
领事保护 consular protection

(编辑:彭娜 许雅宁)

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