中国日报网 2022-03-25 15:55
1. 今年增值税留抵退税约1.5万亿元
2. 东航坠机事故搜救工作持续展开
3. 我国着力推进农业转移人口市民化
4. 我国首个氢能产业中长期规划出台
5. 油价不断上涨导致美国通胀加剧
1. 增值税留抵退税
value-added tax credit refunds
China's latest arrangement on the issuance of large-scale value-added tax credit refunds will significantly boost market confidence, spur business investment and stabilize the overall economy amid downward pressures, experts said on Tuesday.
专家称,这一政策安排将有助于减轻小微企业以及主要制造业企业的成本负担(the arrangement will help alleviate cost burdens on micro and small businesses as well as enterprises in key manufacturing sectors),是不断完善增值税留抵退税制度(improve the system for refunding VAT credits)的重要之举。
此前,3月21日国务院总理李克强主持召开国务院常务会议,决定对所有行业的小微企业、按一般计税方式纳税的个体工商户(self-employed households as general VAT payers)退税近1万亿元人民币。占今年增值税留抵退税总额的三分之二。此次会议的安排符合2022年《政府工作报告》提出的任务(the meeting's arrangement is in line with the tasks mapped out by the 2022 Government Work Report)。根据政府工作报告,今年增值税留抵退税总额将达1.5万亿元,退税资金全部直达企业(all go straight to enterprises)。
提振需求和预期 boost demand and expectations
扩大就业 expand employment
大宗商品价格上涨 rising commodities prices
降低消费税 reduce consumption taxes
实施大规模增值税留抵退税 implement VAT credit refunds on a large scale
2. 搜救工作
search and rescue work
All-out search and rescue efforts were underway on Monday after a China Eastern Airlines aircraft carrying 132 people crashed in South China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region in the afternoon-ending China's civil aviation safety record of more than 4,000 days.
坠毁客机为波音737-800,机龄6.8年,在执飞昆明至广州任务过程中(the 6.8-year-old Boeing 737-800NG was traveling from Kunming to Guangzhou),于广西梧州上空失联并坠毁。机上共有旅客123人、机组9人。到目前为止,尚未发现幸存人员(no survivors have been found so far)。
3月23日,东航失事客机两部黑匣子中的一部已被找到(one black box of the jet was found),初步判定为驾驶舱话音记录器(was preliminarily identified as the cockpit voice recorder),已连夜送往北京的专业机构进行译码(it has been sent to Beijing for decoding)。
飞行数据记录仪 flight data recorder
驾驶舱话音记录器 cockpit voice recorder
数据下载和分析 data downloading and analysis
检查维修 checks and maintenance
3. 农业转移人口市民化
migrant workers integrate into cities
In deepening reform of the household registration system, cities with a permanent resident population under 3 million should remove all limits on household registration, according to the plan released by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).
根据《2022年新型城镇化和城乡融合发展重点任务》,要加快改造城镇老旧小区(the renovation of old urban communities will be accelerated),力争改善840万户居民基本居住条件(improve the basic living conditions of 8.4 million households)。以人口净流入的大城市为重点,扩大保障性租赁住房供给(the supply of government-subsidized housing will be increased),着力解决符合条件的新市民(new arrivals)、青年人等群体住房困难问题。
国家发展改革委有关负责人说,2021年我国常住人口城镇化率达到64.72%(China's urbanization rate of permanent residence hit 64.72 percent in 2021)。根据“十四五”规划,预计2025年常住人口城镇化率可达65%以上。
城乡融合发展 integrated urban-rural development
城镇化 urbanization
户籍制度改革reform of the household registration system
农民工 migrant workers
4. 氢能
hydrogen energy
The National Development and Reform Commission, China's top economic regulator, in association with the National Energy Administration, on Wednesday unveiled the country's first medium- to long-term (2021-35) plan to promote high-quality development of the hydrogen industry.
根据规划,到2025年,我国燃料电池车辆(hydrogen-fueled vehicles)保有量约5万辆,部署建设一批加氢站(hydrogen fueling stations)。可再生能源制氢量达到10万吨至20万吨/年(produce 100,000 metric tons to 200,000 tons of hydrogen generated from renewable energy sources a year),实现二氧化碳减排100万吨至200万吨/年(reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1 million tons to 2 million tons a year)。
到2030年,形成较为完备的氢能产业技术创新体系、清洁能源制氢及供应体系(a relatively complete hydrogen industry technology innovation system as well as the clean energy-based hydrogen production and supply system will be formed),有力支撑碳达峰目标实现。到2035年,形成氢能多元应用生态,可再生能源制氢在终端能源消费中的比例明显提升(the share of hydrogen generated from renewable energy resources in the final energy consumption will be significantly expanded)。
可再生能源 renewable energy sources
减少碳排放 reduce carbon emissions
绿色低碳发展 green and low-carbon development
双碳目标 carbon peak and neutrality goals
光伏发电 photovoltaic power
风力发电 wind power
5. 油价上涨
rising gasoline prices
The average price for gasoline in the US surged to a record high last week as the Russia-Ukraine conflict heightened concerns that it might disrupt supplies of oil from Russia.
上周六美国汽油均价(the average gasoline price nationwide)从3月11日的高峰值4.33美元回落至4.26美元,不过仍高于2008年的历史高峰值4.10美元。加州的油价是美国最贵的(California has the most expensive gasoline in the US)。美国汽车协会数据显示,加州汽油均价从本月初的每加仑5.44美元涨到了一周前的5.69美元,接着又在上周六涨到了5.83美元。
能源价格的上涨和创纪录的通货膨胀抬高了食品、房租、服装和许多其他商品的价格(the surge in energy prices and record-high inflation have pushed up charges for food, rent, clothes and many other goods)。根据亚德尼研究公司的估算,汽油涨价每年会给一个普通美国家庭带来2000美元的额外开支(incur additional costs of $2,000 a year due to higher gasoline prices)。加上通货膨胀导致食品杂货多支出的约1000美元,一个普通美国家庭今年可用于其他商品消费的金额将减少3000美元。
加油站 gasoline station
能源价格上涨 rising energy prices
地缘政治危机 geopolitical crisis
经济复苏 economic rebound