Cinderella 2 《灰姑娘》2 (精讲之二)
[ 2006-07-11 19:01 ]
影片对白Cinderella's back!
Origin of the Honeymoon Tradition
Today, the tradition of a honeymoon following nuptials (婚礼) has, long way from its original meaning. Today's "happy ending" to the wedding event is a far cry from its much different beginnings. The word honeymoon has its roots in the Norse (挪威人的) word "hjunottsmanathr" which was anything but blissful. 很久很久以前,在北欧的一些国家,有这样一个风俗:新娘是到邻近的村庄抢来的。既然新娘是抢来的,新娘的全家就要进行到处搜寻了。新郎就只有带着刚抢来的新娘藏起来一段时间。His friends assured his and her safe keeping and kept their whereabouts unknown. Once the bride's family gave up their search, the bride groom returned to his people. This folkloric explanation presumably is the origin of today's honeymoon, for its original meaning meant "hiding".