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The year of the Yao《挑战者姚明》精讲之三
[ 2008-08-16 21:58 ]

9. get on track

本意是“上轨道”,这里指“适应这种凶猛、快速的打球方式”。我们来看个例子:He is getting on track of that kind of living style by and by. 他渐渐适应了那种生活。

10. Yao Ming with the quick spin and again stripped

Quick spin 指的是“转身摆脱”,就是进攻运动员往前运球,前面有防守运动员阻挡,进攻运动员突然向后转身变线,改变进攻方向,摆脱防守队员。Strip 是指“球被抢走”了。

11. he was universally hailed as a bust

这个词组的意思是“表现平平”,比如:He is hailed as a bust in the university. 他在大学里表现平平。

12. go right at you…

这个表达的意思是“直接撞向你”,比如:She ran in this derection, going right at you. 她跑了过来,直接撞到你身上。

13. loose ball


14. slam down

这个动作就是“扣篮”。下文中的 you gotta dunk that 中的dunk也是“扣篮”的意思。

15. Stephen Jackson gives the Spurs a one point lead!

The Spurs 指的是San Antonio Spurs (圣安东尼奥马刺队)。A one point lead意思是“领先一分”,这里 one point 是修饰lead的。

16. He's gotta get under the basket.


17. This isn't lnternational League. You gotta dunk that.

这里的International League 指的是“国际棒球联盟”,是美国东部的一个棒球联盟。这个场景中,姚明丢了球,评论员调侃他“这不是棒球联盟赛(把球挥出去就可以了),你得投篮。”

18. Now he's already behind the eight ball.


19. They don't have that kind of crossover in Shanghai.

Crossover 在狭义上是指跨下运球,广义上只要屈膝弯腰,压低重心的换手运球变向都可以叫crossover,也即“交叉步突破”。这句话的意思就是“上海的球队可没有这种交叉突破。”

20. I think Marion was in shock as the entire Suns bench went sideways!

In shock 不难理解,就是“震惊”的意思,比如:She was in shock when hearing that news. 她听到这个消息后十分震惊。

Sideways 本来是指“斜向一边的”,这里这句话的意思是“太阳队的替补们笑得前仰后合”。

21. rebound




Sports Illustrated 体育画报(美国)

The year of the Yao《挑战者姚明》精讲之三

Sports Illustrated

is the largest weekly American sports magazine owned by media conglomerate Time Warner. It has over 3 million subscribers and is read by 23 million adults each week, including over 18 million men, 19% of the adult males in the country. It was the first magazine with circulation over one million to win the National Magazine Award for General Excellence twice.

Its Swimsuit Issue (《泳装特刊》), which has been published since 1964, is now an annual publishing event that generates its own television shows, videos and calendars.

The magazine's cover is the basis of a sports myth known as the Sports Illustrated Cover Jinx.

Sports Illustrated以审美的、准确的文字和最富现场感、最具冲击力的图片,带人们亲临赛场的台前,深入赛事的幕后。它倡导体育就是生活。它深刻改变了美国大众的生活,引领着美国社会体育观念的更新与价值判断的变化。

Sports Illustrated改写了体育媒体的历史。它使以往被忽略的体育报道跻身主流。对质量标准的不懈追求,使其在美国最杰出的新闻杂志中稳居一席。

Regular Segments

The year of the Yao《挑战者姚明》精讲之三

First Person: A feature that has been added in the spring of 2007 features a question and answer session with a featured athlete accompanied by an unusual photo of the athlete holding a hand mirror (the hand mirror concept in First Person donates the athlete as the center of attention). It's also the only photo taking by the athlete himself.

Who's Hot, Who's Not: A feature on who's on a tear and who's in a slump. Inside the NFL, Baseball, NBA, College Football, College Basketball, NHL, Motor Sports, Golf, and Tennis (sports vary from issue to issue) has the writers from each sport to address the latest news and rumors in their repective fields.

Faces in the Crowd honors taltented amateur athletes and their accomplishments.

The Life of Reilly: A closing article from repected sports columnist Rick Reilly on the latest sports issues.

Sportsman of the Year

Sports Illustrated是国际体育界的绝对权威。 其“年度体育人物”评选是美国社会的盛事。

Since its inception in 1954, Sports Illustrated magazine has annually presented the Sportsman of the Year award to "the athlete or team whose performance that year most embodies the spirit of sportsmanship and achievement." Roger Bannister won the first ever Sportsman of the year award thanks to his record breaking time of 3:59.4 for a mile (the first ever time a mile had been run under four minutes). Tiger Woods is the only athlete to win the award twice. (answers.com)




2. 你能适应那里的生活吗?

3. The biggest pressure is the expectations put on by different people as everyone is watching and hoping that I play well.

The year of the Yao《挑战者姚明》精讲之二 考考你 参考答案

1. 中日关系目前正在稳步向前发展。

The relation of China and Japan is forging ahead nowadays.

2. 她开车过来,音乐震天响。

She is coming by car, music blaring.

3. 我被夹在他们中间不能动了。

I was caught between them, and not able to move at all.



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