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A Night Out: at the Theatre 晚上出去玩…看戏篇

Britain's grandest theatre? The Royal Opera House.


在本档夜生活系列节目中我们将了解到英国年轻人的夜生活都包括哪些内容。本期节目主持人 Andrea 和董征采访了一些刚从一家伦敦剧院散场出来的观众,了解他们的戏剧爱好。

Want a special treat? Why not have a night out at one of London's many theatres? Whether it's a musical or a more serious play, going to the theatre is what many people choose to do for a special occasion.

Join Andrea and Jean as they meet a number of theatre-goers. What makes going to see a live show so memorable? And can everyone afford to have a night out at the theatre?