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Chapter Five: Commitment 承诺

Chapter Five: Commitment 承诺

A Royal Romance, An Everyday Love Story 王子婚礼与平民爱情


上周我们听了两对情侣同对方家人见面的经历。今天是第五个故事 Commitment 作出承诺。

Are you ready for the next chapter in our romantic story about two very different couples? This week we are talking about taking the next big step... commitment!

Find out how William and Kate decided that now was the right moment to get married.

Our other featured couple, Jennifer and David, discuss how they came to decide to stay together – even though they had never properly discussed marriage!

This week's phrases:

to go out with someone

to go through the good times and bad times

a special bond

to make that commitment

Next week: Popping the question