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Wordmaster 单词大师

Have you got what it takes to be the BBC Wordmaster?

Play the game to test your vocabulary skills. There are thousands of words to practise.



Game play tips:

  • Make sure you beat the clock or it's game over!
  • Use the clues if you're stuck, but be careful - clues reduce your time.
  • Get the right pronunciation - click 'listen' to hear the sentence.


This game will help you develop the vocabulary you need to succeed in important exams like CET and IELTS.

Flash plug-in required

To view the advanced features of this page you need to have the Macromedia Flash plugin installed on your system.

The file is 466k in size and will take approximately 2 minutes to download with a 56k modem.

Click here to download the Flash plugin from the Macromedia website


  • 争取速度,提高得分。
  • 万一卡住,可借助提示键,不过这会降低速度。
  • 想掌握正确发音吗?请点击(listen)键。

