Book Description:
Fidel Castro is perhaps the most charismatic and controversial head of state in modern times. A dictatorial pariah to some, he has become a hero and inspiration for many of the world's poor, defiantly charting an independent and revolutionary path for Cuba over nearly half a century.
Numerous attempts have been made to get Castro to tell his own story. But only now, in the twilight of his years, has he been prepared to set out the details of his remarkable biography for the world to read. This book is nothing less than his living testament. As he told reporters, his desire to finish checking its text was the one thing that kept him going through his recent illness. He presented a copy of the book in its Spanish edition to his compadre President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela.
In these pages, Castro narrates a compelling chronicle that spans the harshness of his elementary school teachers; the early failures of the revolution; his intense comradeship with Che Guevara and their astonishing, against-all-odds victory over the dictator Batista; the Cuban perspective on the Bay of Pigs and the ensuing missile crisis; the active role of Cuba in African independence movements (especially its large military involvement in fighting apartheid South Africa in Angola); his relations with prominent public figures such as Boris Yeltsin, Pope John Paul II, and Saddam Hussein; and his dealings with no less than ten successive American presidents, from Eisenhower to George W. Bush.
菲德尔·卡斯特罗恐怕是当今最具魅力同时又饱受争议的传奇人物。有人认为他只是个专制的流浪汉,但他已成为全世界劳苦民众的精神领袖,在近半个世纪以来,引领古巴通向独立与革命之路。之前已有无数人尝试让卡斯特罗讲述他人生的故事,但是直到现在,在他的垂暮之年,他才准备将其一生的传奇发表以飨世人。此书无异于他留给世人的遗嘱。他曾这样告诉记者,现在唯一支撑着他与病魔抗争的动力就是对完整地看到此书成稿的渴望。他将此书的西班牙语版赠送给了他的挚友——委内瑞拉总统查韦斯(Hugo Chávez)。
在这本书中,卡斯特罗为我们讲述了一段引人关注的历史,跨越了他传奇的一生:上小学时那位声音刺耳的老师;革命早期的失利;他与格瓦拉英雄相惜的友谊;不计代价地推翻巴蒂斯塔独裁政权;对于入侵古巴猪湾事件以及随后导弹危机的深刻解析;非洲独立运动中古巴所起的作用(尤其是在南非安哥拉的种族隔离冲突中所牵涉的巨大军事影响);他与著名的政治人物如叶利钦(Boris Yeltsin)、梵蒂冈教皇(Pope John Paul II)、萨达姆(Saddam Hussein)之间的关系;以及他与不下10位美国总统,从艾森豪威尔到小布什之间的政治交涉。
About Author:
Fidel Castro, the dictator of Cuba. In the late 1950s, Fidel Castro took control of Cuba by force and has remained its dictatorial leader for over four decades. As the leader of the only communist country in the Western Hemisphere, Castro has been the focus of international controversy.