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Odd Question  
What airplane can land using a parachute?
What is the "baby boom"?
Why do we laugh?
Why is a hamburger called a hamburger although it contains no ham?
Do you know that it once was law to say "God bless you" to one who sneezed?
Why the sea is blue?
Do you know that there are 19 major earthquakes every year?
How did the custom of kissing start?
Origin of the Universe
What is the world's most popular fruit?
Why do the stars twinkle?
How were shoes first made?
Why do we have eyebrows?
How do mirrors work?
What is a black hole?
Why does an "X" mark stand for a kiss?
How is chocolate made?
Why can caffeine keep people awake?
How much sleep do we need?
Why is some hair curly and some hair straight?
Which is correct:12 Midnight A.M.or 12 Midnight P.M.?
Can dogs see colors?
How come tears come out of our eyes when we cry?
What makes popping corn pop?
Why do people snore?
What is amnesia?
Why does caffeine keep me awake?
What causes an "ice cream headache"?
Who invented the pencil?
What causes headaches?
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Publisher:Ballantine Books
ISBN: 034549394X
List Price: 70 RMB
Discounted Price(优惠价): 63 RMB
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