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英格兰饮茶风俗由何而来? (二)
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Odd Question  
What is dry ice?
What are falling stars?
What is digital TV?
How did the idea for Santa Claus originate?
How did Christmas cards come to be?
How much sleep do we need?
Why do golf balls have dimples?
Where did Band-Aids come from?
What is the world's most densely populated country?
Why doesn't an igloo melt inside?
Why do migrating birds bother to fly back north?
Do the humps on camels hold water?
What's the fastest sea bird?
Why does hair turn gray?
Why do some animals hibernate in the winter?
Why do bananas get bruised as they age?
What are hot dogs made of?
How did superstitions begin?
Why is rice thrown at weddings?
Why do doughnuts have holes?
Why are Dalmatians the traditional mascots of firehouses?
How do lizards communicate?
How do we smell?
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Publisher:Ballantine Books
ISBN: 034549394X
List Price: 70 RMB
Discounted Price(优惠价): 63 RMB
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