shopping spree: 大采购
[ 2006-04-10 08:30 ]
请看《中国日报》的相关报道:China's Vice Premier Wu Yi is heading a large squad of businessmen and economic officials on a shopping spree tour in the United States.
The buying mission, deemed the largest Beijing has assembled since 1979, is expected to result in multibillion-dollar orders for Boeing aircraft, auto parts, computer software, telecommunications equipment, grain, cotton and soybeans and other products.
报道中的shopping spree是一种比喻用法,可以翻译为“大采购”。Spree在1804年首次出现于苏格兰方言写成的一首诗中,意为“快乐的出游”,后演变为 “an unrestrained indulgence in or outburst of an activity”(无节制的狂热行为;狂欢),如:go on the spree(出去狂欢一番);另外,spree在俚语中也可指a drinking bout(狂饮,痛饮)。
现在,人们常用spree来形容大采购,如:He was away on a buying spree.(他出去狂购物了。)