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Prison Break 1《越狱》1(精讲之七)
[ 2007-02-21 17:30 ]

影片对白  At any rate, we land, we meet my guy, and even if we don't find the person who tipped off the cops, we find his phone. The paper trail begins.

文化面面观  美国的石油产业与石油政策

The structure of power within the United States has also deeply affected the U.S. response to the environmental impact of oil use. While abundant oil has helped fuel American power and prosperity, it also helped entrench social and economic patterns dependent on ever-higher levels of energy use. Whether or not these patterns are sustainable on the basis of world oil resources, it has become increasingly clear that they are not sustainable ecologically, either for the United States or as a model of development for the rest of the world.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, oil accounted for 40 percent of world energy demand, and energy use was the primary source of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas. For this reason, environmental scientists considered air pollution associated with energy use to be the main threat to the earth's climate. Increased energy demand will only make the situation worse. In short, there are environmental limits to continuing, let alone expanding, the high production-high consumption lifestyle associated with the U.S. model of development. Therefore, the most important question facing the United States in regard to oil in the twenty-first century may not be how to ensure access to oil to meet growing demands, but rather how to move away from what is clearly an unsustainable development path.





1. 薪水可能不高,但不管怎样这也是份工作。
2. 烈酒走私者得到风声说将对他们展开搜捕。
3. 泰德因为丢了行李而当众吵闹。

Garfield 2《加菲猫》2(精讲之六)考考你 参考答案

1. Where's that naughty child now? I'm sure he'll be up to no good wherever he is.
那调皮孩子哪儿去了? 我看, 他到哪儿也做不出好事来。

2. Don't fire up like that. No one meant to hurt your feelings.

3. He would go to any lengths to get his own way.

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